
Charlie was devastated. She was slowly watching her world do a 180. She was no longer the apple of anyone’s eye—not her parents, not her man.

When God finally called her weeks later, Charlie had mixed emotions. She didn’t mention to him that she knew he had been staying with a girl named Kym. Despite everything he put her through, Charlie was still in love with him and she was happy to finally hear from him. It had been too long. She wanted to see him again.

“I got a place for us, baby,” said God. “I want you to come over.”

She was ready to run back to him with open arms. She missed him.

God had rented an apartment with the money Kym had given him. It was a decent place in New Jersey, a low-key neighborhood. He was tired of Brooklyn and tired of being harassed by detectives. He still had to watch his back, and New Jersey was close to home, but still far enough away to keep a low profile.

Charlie came to see him with extreme eagerness and some concern. The moment she walked into his new place, she hugged him and kissed him, already forgiving him for his past sins. They fucked everywhere from the bedroom, to the floor, to the shower, and back to the bedroom. Charlie was showing him how much she really missed him.

After the sex, Charlie’s good pussy knocked God out cold as she knew it would. She took the opportunity to go through his cell phone and see what her unfaithful man was up to. God was a simple man and Charlie knew she’d crack his code. On the fourth try she got it. It was his building number: 89715. Once in, Charlie read all the texts between God and Kym and a couple other jump-off bitches. She scrolled through his stored photos to see a myriad of pussy pics and ass shots from random hoes. Then there were a number of pictures from a prim and proper looking skank. Charlie knew this was her—the slick talking bougie bitch who answered his phone. Stupidly, God had stored her address and Charlie was salivating. This bitch was going to get her ass whooped.

When God woke up, Charlie resumed catering to him. She was willing to cook for him, and after feeding her man, she started with the questions.

Where did the money come from? She thought he was broke. The apartment was small, but it was cute and cozy. God made it clear to Charlie that he wasn’t for the questions. He just wanted to have a good time and enjoy her. He was adamant that she “Shut the fuck up!” about everything.

“Don’t ruin the moment, Charlie,” he warned her.

To ease things between them, they started to drink and smoke weed. God was a heavy smoker and took a blunt of Amnesia to the face. Mixed with the alcohol, he became a very chill and laid-back individual. He no longer looked ruthless and malicious, but like a stoner high off of mushrooms. He was ready to talk about anything.

Unbeknownst to him, Charlie had drugged the liquor and laced the weed.

“You okay, God?” asked Charlie.

“Baby, I’m fine,” he coolly replied.

Charlie started her line of questioning again, now that he was in a more relaxed and open state of mind.

“You know you can always keep it a hundred wit’ me, right, God?”

“I know, baby . . . always one-hundred wit’ you.”

“So, who gave you the money for this new place?”

He smiled at her and said, “I got this new bitch I’m fuckin’ wit’ . . . Kym—good-ass pussy and shit, and if she wasn’t a boring bitch, that bitch would be my ride-or-die. She’s rich and she takes care of me.”

The information was a lot for Charlie to take in and she frowned. But she continued with the questioning and the conversation transitioned to Chanel. Charlie needed to know the truth. She needed to hear him say it.

“What happened to my sister, Chanel?”

He finally came clean and said, “I didn’t plan for it to happen. It just happened that one time. And the way your sister used to flaunt that sweet dark pussy around the place, I had to sample that shit. But that bitch wanted it. I ain’t rape that bitch . . . and that pussy was too good. She got better pussy than you, baby.” He had a dopey looking smile on his face.

Charlie’s stomach started to do all kinds of flips and it was churning like a NutriBullet. She tried to fight the tears back. It felt like she was about to detonate from the anger that was swelling inside of her.

The drug she used was working far too well. God continued to dig his own grave. “I used people, Charlie, that’s what I do, baby. I fuck bitches, kill people, and keep it moving . . . make this money. That’s all I care about, is fuckin’ money, baby. Money is my bitch.”

“Do you love me?” she asked.

God laughed. “Bitch, I love what you can do for me.”

The reply deeply hurt Charlie. She loved him with all her heart, but he continued to use her and disrespect her.

When he was done confessing, he lay back on the couch, legs cocked open and he continued to smoke his blunt and drink his liquor, not knowing he’d done fucked up. Charlie coolly got up from her seat to go into the kitchen.

/> God looked at her with his glassy eyes and said, “Babe, bring me some snacks back from the kitchen.”