Frowning and drowning in jealousy, Charlie angrily flicked her cigarette out the window and turned away. She couldn’t take it anymore. Her little sister had found happiness and some wealth, while she was putting her life back together, trying to fit the pieces in a puzzle that she felt no longer mattered.

It wasn’t fair. Charlie felt she should be the one driving a Range Sport and looking like she had just come from a shopping spree. The one good thing about her life at the moment was that God was back in it.


Charlie hadn’t seen God in days. The other day he abruptly left the apartment without informing Charlie of his whereabouts. Four days later, God came back to the apartment with his Rolex watch and mink coat, though it was spring and he had no use for it.

Charlie was stunned to see God with a few of his goodies again. Where were they? Who had them? And where the fuck did he go for four days? Charlie was irritated that he still had his stuff, while she had to pawn everything nice she had, dance in clubs, and perform sexual acts just to pay his bail.

The tension between Charlie and God was palpable inside the apartment, but Butch and Bacardi minded their business. Bacardi no longer cared about the condition of their relationship. When Charlie argued with him about being gone for days, God griped that he was sick and tired of how everyone was dick-riding and obsessed with Chanel’s new man. He’d never met Mateo, but immediately God didn’t like him.

God also couldn’t keep his eyes off of young Chanel. She was growing into a beautiful and mature young woman. He would slyly watch her around the apartment, admiring how she had her hair blown out—no more long braids or kiddy pigtails. He peeped the diamond earrings she sported and the diamond engagement ring that sparkled brightly. God had to admit to himself that Charlie’s little sister was looking right. There were even a handful of times when he would come out of the shower and be tempted to drop his towel in front of Chanel to show her what he was working with.

Chapter Twenty-Three

I want you out of that place, baby. I don’t

want you staying there anymore,” Mateo griped.

“So you want me to move in with you?” Chanel asked.

“Yes. As long as that nigga your sister is with is living there, I don’t want you in that apartment.”

Chanel was flattered—happy. Mateo was protective of her. The moment he found out that God was back in the apartment, he wanted his fiancée out of there—even if he had to come and move her out himself. He didn’t trust God or her family.

The next day, Mateo showed up with Chanel at the apartment to help her pack her things and leave that hellish place she used to call home for good, while Pyro waited for them in the SUV. Mateo wanted Chanel to bounce up out of there and never look back.

In a few weeks, they were going to fly to Hawaii and Chanel was going to be his bride. Her family wasn’t invited. They didn’t even know about the wedding. Mateo wasn’t about to pay for their trip or their expenses so they could ruin what was going to be the best day of their lives, especially Chanel’s. So they both felt that it was best to keep everything a secret. They saw the ring and knew about the engagement, but Chanel refused to tell any of her family members that Mateo was going to fly her to Hawaii to marry her on her birthday.

They entered the apartment to find that it was a full house. Butch was sleeping on the couch, Bacardi and Claire were in the kitchen, and Charlie was in her bedroom with God.

Seeing Mateo walk through the front door, Bacardi instantly became excited. It was always good to see her new son. Her home was his home. But Mateo wasn’t there to give out cash or gifts, and he clearly made it known to them.

“She has something to tell you,” said Mateo.

“Oh? What’s going on, Chanel?” Bacardi asked. “Is everything okay?”

Chanel glanced back at her man. He was her confidant and her protector. Chanel felt safe with Mateo standing behind her. She knew he was going to back her up.

She took a deep breath. All eyes were on her in anticipation.

Charlie came out of the bedroom and saw Chanel looking fly in her stylish pants and back-zipper crop top that showed off her slim waist. Then she eyed Chanel’s red bottoms and the glimmering accessories, including a tennis bracelet, necklace, and her diamond engagement ring. Mateo had his woman looking like a diva, and Charlie swelled with envy.

“I’m moving out,” Chanel said to everyone.

Bacardi’s mouth dropped open. “Moving out?”


“Chanel, this is your home, and we love you,” said Bacardi.

Chanel had nothing to say to her mother. They never loved her. The only thing Bacardi and everyone else loved was what she or her man could do for them. As long as there was money and nice things, Bacardi became a caring, loving parent.

“You moving in wit’ that nigga?” Charlie chimed.


“More room in here for us. Have a great fuckin’ life,” Charlie added sarcastically.