The hair on the back of my neck prickled in a way it never had before. Her confession soothed my ego, stoked my confidence. I should be annoyed that she thought of me as protection rather than fear, but I wasn’t. Perhaps it was the fact that she was wearing skin-tight jeans and a black top that made her tits look incredible, but something about her was getting to me. “You shouldn’t feel safe with me.”

“But at least I know what I’m getting with you. There’s no surprises. No sudden turns. If I follow the rules, everything will stay the same. You won’t hurt me or Joseph. Dunbar is unpredictable. He wants to hurt me just for the sake of it. And Ariel…if I were in trouble, she wouldn’t do anything to stop it. She would just look the other way.”

Her characterization of my two employees was dead-on, but they were far too loyal to betray me. If London annoyed them, they might push her to the side or ignore her. But they would never take it further than that.

London stood on her tiptoes then pressed her lips to mine. It might have been her last plan to persuade me, to kiss me and soften my calloused heart. Her soft lips moved with mine, and she gave me some of her tongue, giving me a playful lick that made the rest of my skin tingle. Her arm moved around my neck, and she kissed me in front of my men, making me hard in my slacks.

My arm circled her petite waist, and her sinister plan worked. I didn’t hold my ground because I no longer cared. When those perky tits were pressed against me and her tongue tangled with mine, I became a different man. Her kiss was different from the kind I shared with most women. Perhaps she was just a good kisser, or maybe it was because she was so unattainable. Whenever I fought her, she fought harder. She had a smartass comment to make in retaliation to everything I said. But I finally earned her cooperation. That made her more valuable than all my other women combined.

Because I was a sick bastard.

She finished the kiss then breathed gently into my mouth, the smell of her hair complimenting her naturally addictive fragrance.

Now that I was hard, I didn’t want her to leave my side. My men saw that little performance, and I didn’t want to leave my toy behind and give them the wrong idea. I wanted to pull over on the drive, have her suck my dick, and then continue on with my life. “Let’s go.”

Victory shone in her eyes now that she was getting her way.

“But don’t try anything.” I didn’t need to finish the threat.

“I won’t.”

We arrived at the Barsetti estate, a three-story mansion with vineyards on either side of it. The black gates opened as I approached, and I circled the fountain in the center and the valet parked my car.

London stood beside me and looked up at the magnificent house with green ivy growing over the walls. The Mediterranean style windows were open, letting the fresh air enter the multiple bedrooms upstairs.

When I reached the door, it opened before I could knock.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Donoghue. I’m Lars.” An older man in a gray suit gave me a quick bow. He looked like the butler of the house, reminding me of Finley but with fancier clothes. “Mr. Barsetti and Mr. Barsetti are expecting you in the drawing room.” He turned to London, clearly not expecting her to accompany me.

“I’m sorry, Lars. This is Lady London. I should have mentioned I was bringing her today.” Even though there only would have been a thirty-minute warning.

“Lady London, it’s a pleasure to have you.” Lars ushered us inside. “I know the men prefer scotch. Can I get you the same, or would you rather have something else?”

“Scotch is fine,” she said with a smile. “Thank you, Lars.”

I stared at her in surprise.

“Let me show you the way.” Lars walked in front and led us to the drawing room on the second floor.

I eyed London, watching her every move.

She turned to me when she noticed my stare. “What?”

“You’re beautiful like a flower, but you drink like a man.”

“Your point?”

I grabbed her hand. “No point at all.” I may have to pour a bottle of scotch all over her body and lick it away when we were home. I’d lick it out of every opening on her body. Her nipples would taste even better coated in the amber liquid.

We entered the drawing room, and I walked inside first when I would normally show my manners by letting London step inside before me. The two brothers sat on different couches in front of the fire. A bottle of iced scotch sat on the table along with three glasses. The men were already drinking. I would have been disappointed if they weren’t.