"I don't hear that very often," Ham said, and Harry laughed. "Harry, you got any special instructions?"

"Nope, just go out there and do what you do. I don't want you carrying any recorders or cameras, either."

"I've got to win their trust, huh?"

"No, not that," Harry said quickly. "If they see you trying, they'll wonder. Let them come to you. Don't make any moves."

"He's right, Ham," Holly said. "Did they say anything except come to the gun show?"

"They mentioned lunch by the lake," Ham said.

"Nothing more sinister?"

"Not unless you consider barbecue sinister."

Harry laughed. "Be patient, Holly, this is going to take a while."

"You're right, Harry," she said. "Ham, take your cell phone this time, just in case you need help."

"No, don't," Harry jumped in. "You need to go naked into the jungle."

"Won't be the first time," Ham said.

"Bye," Harry said, and hung up.

"Listen, I'll call you back on my bugged phone and invite you, okay? Then you can turn me down."

"Okay." Holly hung up.

A couple of minutes later, Ham called again.

"Holly Barker."

"It's your old man, Holly."

"How are you?" she asked, as if she didn't care.

"I'm okay. You and I got an invitation from those folks out at the lake to go to their gun show this weekend and have some lunch with them. You want to go?"

"I'll pass, Ham. Those people are boring."

"Suit yourself, Holly."

"I mean, you don't really like them, do you?"

"I had dinner out there last month. They seem like nice folks, and they have some interesting ideas."

"Yeah, sure. Listen, thanks for the invitation. I gotta run. Take care of yourself."

"Well, somebody has to," Ham said petulantly, then hung up.

Holly hung up, too. "Let's see what they make of that conversation," she said aloud.


This time, Ham wore a freshly starched set of camouflage fatigues. He figured he'd fit right in with the mindset of these people, and he was right.

When Peck Rawlings saw him, he beamed from ear to ear. "Well, Ham, you're looking sharp today," he said, shaking hands.