
"The fingerprints on the card in Morris's personnel file belonged to a security guard at the bank."

Holly laughed ruefully. "Morris is smart. He must have gotten the guard to give him a demonstration of fingerprinting, then filched the card. Anything on the desk prints?"

"The secretary and Morris's boss. Apparently both left this morning."

"So Morris cleaned up after himself there, too."

"Looks that way."

Tommy came back again, looking frustrated. "Zip," he said. "Absolutely zero."

"Try the lawn furniture in the backyard," Holly said. "Oops, my prints will be on the one I sat in, but only on the armrests."

Tommy disappeared again.

Hurd called the station and ordered the detectives to start phoning truck rental places. "He had to move his stuff somehow," he said.

"Let's go talk to the neighbors," Holly said. They walked out the front door. "You go left, I'll go right."

Holly rang the first bell and got a young mother with a baby on her hip. "Good morning," she said. "I wonder if you saw the folks next door over the weekend?"

"No, we were at my parents' house in Orlando this weekend. Is everything all right over there?"

"Apparently, they've left town," Holly said.

"Really? I played bridge with her on Thursday afternoon, and she didn't say a word."

"Do you know what kind of car they drove?"

"He had one of those convertibles-Chrysler, I think-and she had a van. I'm afraid all vans look alike to me. I hate them."


"The convertible was white, and the van was a kind of wine color."

"Have you been inside the Morrises' house?" Holly asked.

"A couple of times. They didn't have a lot of furniture yet, so she didn't really have people over."

"How much furniture did she have?"

"They had a sofa and a recliner in the living room, and a pretty big TV, and I guess they had a bed. She said they were saving up to buy more; that the bank frowned on its people carrying too much credit card debt."

"Thanks," Holly said, handing her a card. "If you should hear from them, would you give us a call?"


Holly walked on, talking to the neighbors. Finally, at the house directly across the street, she got lucky. The owner, a man in his late seventies or early eighties, remembered something.

"I fell asleep in front of the TV on Saturday night," he said, "and I woke up in the middle of the night. I do that a lot, since my wife died. I got up to turn off the lights, and I happened to look out the window, and I saw two cars and a trailer pull away from the Morris house."

"What kind of cars?"

"Their cars, a convertible and a van."

"And the trailer?"