“I did, and I thought it went very well.”

“There’s something in the offing, and I wanted you to know about it—so does Kate.”

“She didn’t mention anything when she was in New York.”

“This really just happened today. Kate is now planning to resign before the end of Will’s second term.”

Holly was thunderstruck. “She certainly didn’t mention that.”

“The president is going to appoint me as her successor. That way he can get me confirmed before he leaves office.”

“That’s terrific news, Lance. How do you think it will go in Congress?”

“Senator Barnes of Georgia, the chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, is already on board with it, and as Barnes goes, so goes the committee and the Senate.”

“Then it’s a done deal?”

“For all practical purposes. Barnes is also going to get the amendment to our charter through, as well.”

“That’s good news.”

“This is going to have a big effect on your career, Holly.”

“Oh?” Here it came; Lance was going to bring her back to Langley as his assistant director.

“With the change in the charter in effect, I’m going to make the New York office a permanent station, and I want you to run it.”

Holly’s heart leaped; she couldn’t speak.

“Are you there, Holly?”

“Yes, I’m just trying to catch my breath.”

“I know you wouldn’t want to go back to being my assistant, and with our new domestic duties, New York is going to become our most important station. It’s our only office in the country that’s already fully up and running, and you’ve already been appointed acting station head. We’ll make your appointment permanent.”

“Oh, Lance, that would be just great.”

“Then you accept?”

“Are you kidding? Of course I accept.”

“Good, then all our ducks are in a row. There’s just one thing, though.”

Holly’s heart was in her throat; Lance always had a hole card that nobody but he saw.

“What’s that?”

“We’ve got to bag Jasmine. Kate can’t retire while that’s undone.”

Holly sagged with relief; she had been expecting something self-serving from Lance. “I can understand that, and I’m on it.”

“If Kate stays on until the end of Will’s term, the next president will appoint her replacement, and we don’t know who that president or his appointee will be. Maybe me, maybe not, but I’d feel a lot better if we could bag Jasmine and present the new president with a fait accompli. That would be much better for both you and me. And probably for the country.”

“I can’t argue with that,” Holly said.

“And when we bag Jasmine, she has to stay bagged.”

A little shiver went up Holly’s spine; now she knew what was coming.