“It’s Kate. The director says he can hit all four cells simultaneously in three hours. He’s already given the orders.”

“At five a

.m., then,” Holly said.

“Take a nap,” Kate said. “I’ll call you when I hear something.”

Holly walked over to her sofa and stretched out. The commissioner was still on his phone. She took a deep breath, let it out, and dozed off.

Stone was having his breakfast in bed while watching Morning Joe. “We’ve just heard that the president will be making an important announcement shortly,” Scarborough said, “and we’re switching to the Today show for that.”

The White House press secretary appeared on-screen. “Ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States.” The White House press corps leaped to their feet as the president took the stage.

“Good morning,” Will Lee said. “Last night in New York City a failed bombing attack resulted in the deaths of two CIA security officers and two al Qaeda terrorists. Jasmine Shazaz, who was wanted in both New York and London for recent bombing attacks, and her principal henchman died in a gunfight with a CIA officer and a retired NYPD detective, both of whom emerged unhurt. This event was made possible by an NYPD rapid response effort that had been put into effect only in the past few weeks, along with intelligence from the British counterintelligence service, MI-6. Following the deaths of the two al Qaeda operatives, a laptop computer and a cell phone found in their vehicle were unencrypted by the NSA, and as a result, FBI SWAT teams, in conjunction with police officers from the relevant jurisdictions, conducted raids in four other cities—Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Atlanta—that resulted in the deaths or capture of nineteen al Qaeda terrorists and the wounding of two FBI agents, both of whom were treated in local hospitals and are now recovering at home.

“This remarkable, coordinated effort on the part of two federal agencies, a foreign intelligence service, and five local police departments has made the most emphatic statement since the killing of Osama bin Laden that the United States and her ally, Great Britain, will meet and destroy every effort made to harm our people through terrorism. I congratulate all the officers involved and their commanders on a superb effort. Because of security restraints, I will not be responding to questions on this occasion, but more information will be released by the White House as it becomes confirmed and available. Thank you.”

The president turned and walked from the stage as the press began shouting questions at the press secretary.

Stone switched to three other stations and found the same thing on each of them. After he had showered, shaved, and dressed, the story was still running on all channels. As he was about to go downstairs, Holly arrived, exhausted but elated.

Stone embraced her. “Congratulations on a great night.”

“Did you see the president on television?” she asked.

“Yes, and he was perfect.”

“Where are Dino and Viv?”

“At home asleep, I hope.”

“Viv was wonderful,” Holly said. “It was she who shot Jasmine before the woman could shoot me.”

“That’s two villains she’s taken out this year,” Stone said.

“That’s right—she got her medal for taking out Shelley Bach, didn’t she?”

“And saving Dino’s ass.”

“And Dino saved all our asses with his little black box.”

“You’re absolutely right. I think by way of thanks we should throw his and Viv’s wedding reception here.”

“It’s the least we can do.”

“You’re exhausted. Get some sleep. There’s no more you can do today. I’ll tell Joan to cut the phones off up here.”

Holly nodded. “First a soak in the tub, then sleep.”

Stone went and ran her bath while she undressed.

“Don’t drown,” he said, as she sank into the hot water.

The living room and dining room of Stone’s house were filled with a hundred or so guests, most of them cops, celebrating Dino and Viv’s wedding, which a judge had legalized in the garden an hour before.

A jazz trio was filling the rooms with music, and as they finished a number, the police commissioner stepped forward, took the microphone, and called for everyone’s attention.

“I have a few words—very few words to say—about the honorees this evening. A couple of weeks ago I was pleased to award the Police Combat Cross to Viv DeCarlo on the occasion of her retirement from the NYPD. Now I have the doubly great honor of awarding our highest decoration to Vivian DeCarlo Bacchetti and her new husband, Lieutenant Dino Bacchetti. The Medal of Honor is awarded for acts of gallantry and valor performed with knowledge of the risk involved, above and beyond the call of duty, and the actions of both Viv and Dino rose to that level on the night in question. Together, they saved many, many lives and rid our city of a vile terrorist who had already done us great harm.” The commissioner pinned the medals on the newlyweds, to the cheering and applause of all present.