“You’re probably right, but that doesn’t make me feel better.”

“You couldn’t have known that was going to happen.”

“I still should have done a better job protecting my family. I hope you learn from my mistakes.”

I’d inherited a lot of things from my father, but recently, I’d only inherited his flaws. I became a reclusive bachelor who was incapable of feeling anything besides lust and thirst for booze. I had a wife who clearly adored me, but I’d never returned her affection until she was gone. I mirrored his foul mood and asshole attitude. It wasn’t obvious to me until that moment. His depression had sunk into me and infected me like an illness. “I already have.”

My father kept the distance between us and didn’t try to embrace me. But he also didn’t apologize. That seemed like something that would never happen because he was too stubborn.

But that was okay…because I got more than I’d ever expected. My father had been looking out for me when I didn’t realize it, and that meant so much to me. It made me feel less alone in this world. “So…does that mean you’ll stop threatening to kill my wife?”

He smiled at the cruel joke. “I suppose.”

“She said you were never going to do it anyway.”

“She’s a smart woman. Reminds me of your mother.”

She reminded me of her too…when she gave me thoughtful gifts, smiled at me like I was her whole world, and picked up my clothes off the floor and hung them over the back of the chair even though Abigail would take care of it the next day. “I was so pissed off when you made me marry her.”

“But it was the best thing that ever happened to you, huh?”

“Yeah…it is.”

“Arwen has bigger balls than you and me. When she set me up at the rehab center, I understood exactly who I was dealing with. I was annoyed she caught me off guard…but I also respected her for risking her safety to do something good for you. Telling Kamikaze was a mistake that never should have happened…but it led to his ultimate demise, so I guess it worked out.”

“Yeah…I guess.”

Now he stared at me like he didn’t know what else to say.

I didn’t have anything to say either. I needed time to process this lengthy conversation, to let the shock soak in. My father and I had made peace, and I could hardly believe it. I turned to the door and stepped out. “I guess I’ll see you later, then.”

“Yes, I suppose. Merry Christmas, son.”

A hug didn’t seem appropriate. Even when we were on good terms, we never did that sort of thing. But it felt strange just leaving after the intense moment we’d just shared. “Would you like to come over for dinner?” I didn’t want my father to spend the holiday in our family home all alone. It might be weird to have him over for dinner, but it was better to offer than just to leave him there.

His eyes didn’t blink as he stared at me, like he couldn’t believe I’d extended such an offer. After everything he’d put me through, it was probably a surprise to get an invitation. I was even surprised I’d made the offer in the first place. He gave a slight nod. “If that’s okay with your wife.”

“She was the one who forced me to come in the first place. And now I understand why…”

He nodded. “I told her about Kamikaze. I’m surprised she didn’t tell you herself.”

I already knew why. “She wanted me to hear it from you.”



Maverick was gone for a long time, so I took that as a good sign.

Unless one of them killed the other.

With those two men, I really had no idea what might happen. Maverick had too big of a heart to kill his father, but he’d been putting up with a lot of bullshit for a long time. He might snap and do something he regretted. Caspian was harmless. He wouldn’t have protected his son if he’d wanted him dead.

Hours later, Maverick’s footsteps were audible in the hallway. The sound was distinct because it sounded like a man’s approach, not Abigail’s light footsteps. I was sitting on his bed with the fireplace in full flame, the picture of us together on my nightstand. I assumed I would move in to his bedroom even though we’d never actually talked about it. But if he loved me, why would he want me anywhere else?

Maverick walked inside and immediately shed his dark coat. It slid down his powerful arms before he tossed it over the back of the chair. His dark eyes were set on me, impossible to read because he always looked like a blank page in a book.

“You’re alive… That’s a good sign. Is he?”

He nodded then approached the bed. He took a seat at the edge, his gaze forward so I could only see the side of his face. His hands rested on his thighs as he stared toward the bathroom. “Yeah.”