“Yes, everyone’s here and unpacked.”

“The first lady asked me to call you. They’d like to get together for a drink, but there are too many staff and Secret Service here to be having guests.”

“We’d be delighted if they’d join us here for drinks,” Stone said. “We’re just across the road.”

“I think she was hoping you’d suggest that. In an hour?”

“That’s perfect. They have to be back over here at seven-thirty, since President and Mrs. Vargas are coming for dinner.”

“We’ll see you in an hour.” They both hung up.

Stone stood up and clapped his hands. “All right, everybody, go scrub up and change clothes. The president and first lady are coming here for drinks in an hour. Don’t overdress, though.” He called Felicity and Mike Freeman and invited them.

The group scattered to their own rooms, and Stone went to the kitchen and asked the staff to have canapés ready and to find a bartender, then he went to the master suite, showered, shaved, and changed into a tan linen suit, which didn’t seem too formal.

By the time he got back to the living room, there was a team of Secret Service agents checking out the house, upstairs and down. Their work done, they vanished. Mike Freeman and Felicity Devonshire arrived soon, and Stone introduced them. Each pretended it was the first time they had met. Stone knew of their history and said nothing to make either of them uncomfortable.

At the appointed hour the doorbell rang, and Stone answered it himself.

President Will Lee came in first, his hand outstretched. “Stone, it’s good to see yo

u,” he said. Then the first lady entered, followed by Holly Barker and a female Secret Service agent. Another agent remained outside the door. Air kisses were exchanged.

Stone led the group into the living room where he introduced Dino’s girlfriend, Viv, Ben and his girlfriend, Emma, plus Peter and Hattie. They were acquainted with Felicity, but Mike was new to the Lees.

A bartender and two waiters worked the group quickly, then got out of their way. The first lady, Holly, and Felicity were drawn together, and after some polite chat with the group, the president asked Stone and Mike to show him the patio. The three men walked outside and took seats at a table beside the pool.

“First of all, Stone,” Lee said, “I want to thank you again for your and Dino’s brilliant assistance when you were in Washington last year.”

“We were delighted to be of help, Mr. President.”

“Why can’t I get you to call me Will when we’re alone?”

“Maybe when you’ve left office,” Stone said. “When I try, I become speechless.”

“Mike, I’m glad to meet you at last,” Lee said. “I’ve heard nothing but good things about you and your company.”

“Thank you, Mr. President.”

“I knew Jim Hackett, of course,” Lee said, referring to the late founder of Strategic Services. “He was a good man.”

“He certainly was.”

“I want to thank you both for the way you’ve worked with Kate, the NSA, and the Secret Service concerning this visit.”

“We haven’t done much, except listen,” Mike said.

“I find it reassuring when all the relevant groups are agreed on the threat and the way to proceed. It makes it easier for me to make decisions. Stone, I’m grateful to you and your partners in the hotel for making the facilities of The Arrington available for this meeting. Our respective staffs have done a great deal already, but President Vargas and I still have a thorny point or two to negotiate, starting at tonight’s dinner, and we’re both appreciative of the solitude and beauty of this place, not to mention all you’ve done to make it secure.”

“It was the great pleasure of all concerned to do what we could, Mr. President,” Stone replied.

Will Lee sat back in his chair and sipped his ginger ale. “Now tell me bluntly—bluntly, please—what you think is going on with this nursery-rhyme trio,” he said.

Stone and Mike looked at each other, and Stone nodded to Mike.

“Mr. President,” Mike said, “as you pointed out, all the relevant parties are in agreement on the information we have so far. We think there is an active al Qaeda team in California, probably in Los Angeles, whose mission it is to disrupt your talks with President Vargas.”