“No, I never have,” Stone replied, “but it’s beautiful.”

“We found it stored in a back room of the house, and we decided to hang it here. I hope you approve.”

“Yes, I do, and it’s the perfect spot,” Stone said. “Who was the artist?”

“Jamie Wyeth.”

“I know his work, and this is the best thing of his I’ve ever seen.”

“Did you know the car could have delivered you to your cottage?” the man asked.

“Yes, but I wanted to walk through this building.”

“I’ll give you the tour, then. This way.”

After the tour they walked to the new cottage; Stone made the room assignments. He unpacked his clothes in the master suite, then walked around the ground floor, checking out the house. It was impeccable. There were bouquets of fresh flowers everywhere, the bar was fully stocked, and there was a kitchen staff awaiting food orders.

The doorbell rang, and a staffer admitted Mike Freeman. Stone mixed them a drink and they sat down on the rear patio.

“What was the reaction of the Secret Service?” Stone asked.

Mike told him of the steps that had been taken. “Everything that can be done has been done,” he said.


Perhaps two hundred yards away, Hamish McCallister, who was accredited to the grand opening and the presidential conferences as a correspondent for a London newspaper and a travel magazine, watched a movie on the large-screen television set in the living room of his suite. There was a knock on his door and he answered it. Hans stood there with the Vuitton trunk on a hand cart.

“This way,” Hamish said. “Just set it next to the window in the bedroom.”

Hans did as he was told.

“Any problems getting through security?” Hamish asked.

“None at all.”

“Hide your small case somewhere in your workplace,” Hamish said.

“We had all assumed that would be the case.”

“Wait for my e-mail message,” Hamish told him. That was still a couple of days away. “Soon our work will be done.”


Late in the afternoon Stone answered the phone in the living room. “Hello?”

“It’s Holly.”

“Well, hello, there. I heard you got in this morning.”

“Yes, the president stopped in D.C. on the way back from a conference in Brazil and picked up the first lady.”

“And you.”

“And me. Have you settled into your new quarters?” she asked.