“That will be quite a showcase for her,” Lee said. “Don’t let her go all Hollywood on you.”

Peter laughed. “We’re all going to go Hollywood next year. We’re going to have a production deal at Centurion Studios and make our own movies. Ben will produce, Hattie will score them, and I’ll write and direct. Oh, and I haven’t told Dad about it yet, so keep it under your hat, will you?”

“Don’t worry, I’m accustomed to keeping secrets,” Lee said.

“By the way, congratulations on your agreement with President Vargas. It’s already on MSNBC.”

“Thank you, Peter. It’s just one more box to check off before my term ends.”

“What are you going to do then?”

“I’m going to go back to Meriwether County, Georgia, and write my memoirs. I have to—the publishing deal is already done. And by the way, keep that under your hat until you hear about it on the news, which won’t be long.”

“I’ll look forward to reading it,” Peter said.

“And I’ll look forward to seeing more of your movies.”

Dino sidled over and caught Viv by herself for a moment. “How you doing?”

“Just great, thanks. You know, that Immi is quite a nice lady.”

“I noticed that for the last twenty years,” Dino said.

“What are you doing over here talking to me, when you could be talking to her?” Viv asked.

“I just wanted to tell you something.”

“I always like to know something.”

“Something might happen here that will come as a surprise.”

“Pleasant or unpleasant?”

“I’m pessimistic.”

“So what is it?”

“I can’t tell you that.”

“You said you were going to tell me something. That was nothing.”

“I can’t tell you, because Stone wouldn’t tell me.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t know, but I know Stone well enough to know that if he could’ve, he would’ve.”

Viv sighed. “Sheesh, you guys!”


Holly finished her fried chicken and called Langley again, asking for a position on Hamish McCallister.

“Stand by,” the officer said. Then, a moment later, “Got it. Position is now Chelsea, right by the river.”

“Do you have a home address for him?” Holly asked.