“I’m afraid that, in my trade, I’m not able to avoid that.” He was listening to Rosie, but he was looking at Viv. “I’m Ed,” he said.

“This is Rosie, and I’m Viv.”

“Short for Vivian?”

“You’re psychic.”

Abney laughed. “I like you,” he said.

“Then let’s switch seats,” Rosie said, hopping off her stool. Viv moved over and gave her a glare when her back was turned to Abney.

“Anybody hungry?” Abney asked.

“I’ve got a date,” Rosie said, “but Viv is free.”


“Viv, I know an excellent French restaurant over on the East Side, and my car is waiting outside.”

“What’s wrong with eating here?” Viv asked.

“The food isn’t so hot,” Abney said. “Trust me on this.”

Rosie tossed off her drink and got off her stool. “I gotta run,” she said. “You two kids have a good time.” She kissed Viv on the cheek and whispered, “Don’t worry, I’ll be right behind you.” She stopped, took off the alarm wristwatch, and handed it to Viv. “Thanks for the loan of your watch. I’d have been late!”

Viv buckled the watch onto her wrist.

“Another martini before we go?” Abney asked.

“Not on your life. One’s my limit before dinner. It’s nice that you’ve got a car-it’s nasty out tonight.”

“Well, let’s get started with the evening,” Abney said. He signed their check, and they went downstairs and got their coats.

“Right this way,” Abney said, opening the door for her.

A black Lincoln sat idling at the curb, and a driver in a black raincoat opened the door for them.

“Antoine’s, please, Ricardo,” Abney said, resting his hand on Viv’s knee.

Her impulse was to break his wrist, but Viv sat still for it.


Rosie was at the wheel of the squad car, staying a little back from the black Lincoln, when the radio on the seat beside her came alive. “Viv? It’s Bacchetti.”

She picked it up. “It’s Rosie, Lieutenant. Abney went for Viv, no surprise.”

“Where is she?”

“In a chauffeured town car just ahead of me, going to a restaurant called Antoine’s.”

“Restaurant? That wasn’t part of the deal!”

“I guess our man feels that he owes a girl a good dinner before molesting her.”

“She won’t be safe.”

“Relax, boss, it’s a public restaurant.”