“There’s a woman I know who works here in Accounting that I think would be very good for the things we do. Her name is RoseAnn Faber.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” Herbie said. “See ya.” He hung up and called Bill Eggers.

“Having fun at camp, Herbert?”

“I’m having a lot more than fun, Bill. I just watched Mike Freeman give a presentation to prospective clients that taught me more about Strategic Services than I thought I’d ever know. I think you would enjoy watching, next time he gives it.”

“I’ll figure that out,” Eggers said. “What’s up?”

“I need another secretary,” Herbie said. “Cookie is beginning to drown in the work.”

“That’s not an unreasonable request, given the work you’ve created for yourself. I’ll speak to Personnel.”

“Speak to Accounting, instead,” Herbie said. “There’s a woman working in that department named RoseAnn Faber. Cookie knows her and thinks she’d be good in the job. Then Accounting can speak to Personnel about replacing her.”

“I’ll look into it,” Egger

s said. “Are you ever coming back to work here?”

“I never stopped, but I’ll be in my actual office Monday morning.”

“See you then.” Eggers hung up, and Herbie went to lunch.


Stone woke from a deep sleep with somebody shaking him. “What?” he said.

Marla laughed. “You were having a nightmare,” she said, “and talking in your sleep.”

“I remember,” Stone said. “I dreamed you were a Republican.”

She laughed. “I am a Republican,” she said. “Didn’t you know?”

“Apparently not, I let you in the house.”

“I take it you’re a Democrat?”

“I’m a Yellow Dog Democrat.”

“What’s that?”

“That’s a Democrat who would vote for a Yellow Dog before he would vote for a Republican.”

She laughed again. “Well, I’m not that dyed-in-the-wool a Republican. I just grew up in a Republican family.”

“You poor girl.” He rolled over and pulled her to him. “I think we have to begin your reeducation now.”

She kissed him. “You mean we’re going to have Democrat sex?”

“Democrat- ic sex,” Stone said. “Don’t insult it by mispronouncing the name. That’s the first step in your reeducation.”

“What’s the second step?”

He kissed her. “That’s step two.”

“I can’t wait for step three.”

He gently pinched a nipple.