“Uptown for me,” Rita said.

“I’ll drop you,” Dino said, “or vice versa.”

“Okay.” A cab pulled up, then the two drove away.

“Which way are you going?” Stone asked.

“I live in Turtle Bay,” she said.

“What a coincidence-so do I.”

They discovered that they lived across the garden from each other.

“Will you stop by for a drink?” Stone asked.

“Perhaps another time,” Marla replied. She gave him a card, and he gave her his, then he hailed a cab and dropped her off at home.

“May I go out your back door?” Stone asked.

“Sure, as long as you don’t tarry,” Marla said. “I had a rough day’s rehearsal.” She let him into the house and led him through the living room, which was adorned with theater posters and photographs, and to the kitchen door. “There you are,” she said, opening the door for him.

“I’m right over there,” Stone said, pointing.

“Is there a Mrs. Barrington in residence?”

“I’m a widower,” he replied.

“I’m sorry for your loss.”

“Thank you. What time do you normally finish rehearsals?”

“Six, if I’m lucky. Two a.m., if I’m not.”

“On the off chance that you finish fairly early tomorrow night, would you like to come over for dinner?”

“Let me call you late in the afternoon,” she said, “when I have a sense of how great the disaster is.”

“I’ll look forward to hearing from you.” He kissed her lightly on the cheek and stepped out into her rear garden, then into the common garden.

It was a perfect night, and Stone had the feeling the following evening might be even better.


Herbie was in his new office by eight the following morning, putting away his papers and files and rearranging the furniture. The desk was good, but he decided he needed a really nice oriental rug to make the room better. There was a knock at his door, and Herbie turned to find a young man in a fairly nice suit standing there.

“Good morning, Mr. Fisher,” he said. “I’m Robert Bentley.”

“Come on in,” Herbie said. “It’s Bobby, isn’t it?”

“That’s right.”

“I’m Herb. Let’s don’t stand on ceremony. There’s coffee in the pot over there.”

“Can I pour you some?” Bobby asked.

“Black, please.”

They sat down. “I know you’re disappointed not to be assigned to a partner,” Herbie said, “but you’re going to have more fun with me and learn more, too.”