“Go easy on him, Herbie, Bobby’s dad is an important client.”

“Well, that’s good news. I need to make some rain around here.”

“Good thinking. Congratulations, and have a perfect day.”

“How could it get any more perfect?” Herbie hung up.

Half an hour later, Joan buzzed him. “Marshall Brennan on one.”

Stone was surprised; he had never received a call from Brennan. “Hello?”

“Stone, Marshall Brennan.”

“Good morning, Marshall.”

“I’m calling to thank you for the way you dealt with my son’s problem. He called me this morning from Winwood Farm, and we made up. He says he’s going to make a go of his treatment, then go back to Yale.”

“That’s wonderful news, Marshall.”

“Tell me, who is Herbert Fisher?”

“He’s a lawyer at Woodman and Weld and the young man who made all this happen.”

“You mean you weren’t responsible?”

“Only indirectly. I judged that Herb was the best man for the job, so I brought him in.”

“And he’s at Woodman and Weld?”

“Yes, a senior associate.”

“What does ‘senior ass

ociate’ mean?”

“It’s the level at the firm from which partners are selected, and Herb got that promotion faster than any other associate ever has. I’m sure he’d appreciate a call from you, and he’d certainly appreciate any other work you might be able to send his way.”

“Why don’t you bring him to lunch today? I’d like to meet him.”

“We’d both enjoy that, Marshall.”

“P.J. Clarke’s at one? I’ll book.”

“See you there, Marshall.” Stone hung up and called Herbie. “You and I are having lunch with Marshall Brennan today.”

“You’re kidding me!”

“Nope. He wants to express his gratitude for your work, and he might even be more appreciative than that. P.J. Clarke’s, at one.”

“Not the Four Seasons?”

“Marshall’s a pretty down-to-earth guy. I think he was uncomfortable at the Four Seasons last time we met.”

“I’ll be there.”

Stone and Herbie arrived at the restaurant simultaneously and found Marshall Brennan already seated. “You’re not Herbie anymore, you’re Herb,” Stone whispered. He made the introduction, Marshall thanked Herbie, and they ordered. Marshall had the bacon cheeseburger.

“Herb,” Marshall said, “can you ride a horse?”