“Will you please tell me what you’re doing?” Dino asked plaintively. “Maybe I can help.”

“Fair Sutherlin’s cell phone has come to life, and it’s right here in front of us!” Stone put his phone to his ear. “Are you still there, Holly?”

“Yes, what do you see?”

“A bunch of traffic, stopped by a traffic cop. There’s a fender bender down the street. What am I supposed to look for?” “How should I know? It could be in one of those cars. It could be in somebody’s pocket. It could be in the gutter!”

The cop was waving traffic on, now, and the line began to move. “What do you see, Dino?”

“Traffic and pedestrians, what else?”

“Fair’s cell phone is here somewhere.”


“Yes, I’m here.”

“The phone is moving again and picking up speed.”

“We’re talking about fifty cars, at least,” Stone said. “There’s nothing we can do about it.”

“Are there any unusual vehicles?”

“No, there are half a dozen of those plain vanilla government sedans with government seals you see all over town. There’s a moving van, a tow truck, one Rolls-Royce, and a zillion assorted cars.”

“Shit,” Holly said. “Where is your car?”

“Illegally parked down the street. Don’t worry, you’ll get the ticket.”

“Run for it. I’ll keep an eye on where it’s headed and direct you.”

“I’ll call you back when we’re on the move.” He ended the call. “Come on, Dino, we’re going to chase that phone.” The two of them sprinted a block and a half down the avenue, got into the car, and got it started. Stone called Holly’s cell number.

“I’m here. Go straight ahead for four blocks and turn right on Fourteenth Street. It’s about ten blocks ahead of you.”

“There’s a lot of traffic,” Stone said.

“You’ve got flashers on that car,” she said, “use them, but don’t use the siren.”

“Dino, find the switch for the flashers!”

Dino found the switch. “Have we got a siren?” He found the switch, and the noise began.

“Damn it, Stone,” Holly yelled, “I told you not to use the siren!”

“What? I can’t hear you! Dino, turn off the damned thing!”

Dino found the switch again, and now Stone could hear Holly screaming.

“You don’t have to yell, now,” he yelled. “It’s off.”

“All right. When you get to Pennsylvania Avenue, turn right. The White House will be to your left.”

Stone muscled the car in and out of lanes and began to make headway. “I’m turning right on Pennsylvania!”

“Tell Dino to call out the landmark buildings as you pass them, that way I’ll know whether you’re catching up,” Holly said.

“Dino, call out the names of buildings as you see them!”