“You could use that program at the NYPD, Dino,” Stone said.

“We’ve had it for years, or something like it. Comes in useful now and then.”

Holly checked the screen again. “Nothing.”

“Maybe it’s been removed from D.C.,” Stone suggested.

“No, this would find it anywhere in the world, unless it’s been smashed, the SIM card removed, or it’s where there’s no cell reception, like in a bomb shelter.”

“So much for Fair’s cell phone,” Stone said.

The fax machine on the desk rang and began spouting paper.

“It’s the Arlington PD’s report on Charlotte Kirby’s killing.” He picked up the small stack of papers.

“Charlotte was a federal employee. Why isn’t Shelley’s bunch handling that?” Dino asked.

“Maybe that’s only in D.C., not Virginia,” Holly said.

“So, Stone, what does it say?”

“Single gunshot wound to the head, probably self-inflicted. A Walther PPK/S .380 found at the scene.”

“I didn’t see a gun, did you?” Dino asked.

“No, and I went to the bedside and opened the table drawer, so I was close enough.”

“Maybe it fell off the bed or got tangled in the covers,” Holly offered.

“No evidence of the presence of another person in the room,” Stone said. “Looks like a straight-up suicide to me.”

“I’ll buy that,” Dino echoed.

Stone handed Holly the file, and she began to read through it. “Here’s something: they found a box of ammo in her underwear drawer, with six missing. The gun had five in the magazine, and there was a single empty cartridge on the bed.”

“There you go,” Dino said. “She did herself.”

“Do you think Charlotte knew more about the March Hare than she told us?” Stone asked.

“She poured out everything else,” Dino said. “Why would she hold back on that? She must have hated whoever it is.”

“Holly,” Stone said, “does it say anything about prints on the ammo box?”

Holly flipped through the reports. “Here it is: no prints on the box or on the ammo in the magazine or on the magazine. Charlotte’s prints were on the gun.”

“Now that’s interesting,” Stone said. “How did Charlotte load the gun and leave no prints on the magazine or cartridges?”

“Either she wore gloves, or she wiped them,” Holly said.

“Why would she do either of those things? After all, she was about to kill herself. Why would she care about her prints?”

“The March Hare would care,” Dino said, “pardon my rhyme.”

“All the others suffered blunt trauma,” Holly said. “Why is Charlotte different?”

“My guess is, the March Hare lay in wait for the others,” Dino said, “but she found Charlotte in bed and it was easier to shoot her.”

“Did they run the gun, Holly?” Stone asked.