“She was bludgeoned to death in her apartment, apparently late this afternoon,” Shelley replied. “Her body was discovere

d by her building superintendent less than half an hour ago, and, knowing that she was a federal employee, he called the FBI. My people are on their way to the scene, and, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go over there now.”

“Of course,” the president said. He and his wife stood and shook her hand. “Stone, Dino? I expect you’ll want to go there, too.”

“Yes, sir,” Stone said, standing. He and Dino said their good-byes.

“Holly,” Kate Lee said, “you’d better go, too. I want a full report as soon as possible.”

The four left the quarters and got into the elevator.

“I don’t think we’re going to be able to pin this one on Charlotte Kirby,” Stonirby,”e said as they rode down.


THEY ARRIVED AT FAIR SUTHERLIN’S APARTMENT BUILDING and took the elevator upstairs. The door to her apartment stood open, and men in suits were inside.

“Wait here a moment,” Shelley said. She took latex gloves, a hairnet, and booties from her handbag and donned them, then disappeared inside. A moment later, an agent appeared and issued the same equipment to Stone, Dino, and Holly.

“Careful, aren’t they?” Dino said. “Most cops would just blunder into the place.”

Fair Sutherlin’s body lay under a sheet in the living room.

Shelley called a man over. “This is Special Agent Dave King,” she said, “the supervisor on this investigation.”

“I thought that was you,” Holly said.

Shelley shook her head. “Dave and his people are homicide specialists. I’m just a bureaucrat, as far as they’re concerned.”

“That’s not true,” Dave King said to them. “Assistant Director Bach always sees something we don’t. We’re happy to have her at a scene.”

Shelley made a motion with her hand, and Dave King stooped and pulled back the bloodstained sheet. Fair’s face bore an expression of surprise. The eyes were open, the right side of her head was crushed, and her hair was matted with blood.

Stone turned away, feeling horribly sad.

“Maybe this homicide isn’t connected to the others,” Holly said.

“That’s nice of you, Holly,” Stone replied, “but it’s clear that Dino and I backed away from this too soon.”

“Thanks, Holly,” Dino said, “but Stone’s right.”

Shelley spoke up. “If this is connected, and I’m inclined to think it is, then Fair must have been having an affair with Brix Kendrick, too. All the other victims were.”

“We never turned up any evidence to connect her to Brix,” Stone said.

“Just one more thing we missed,” Dino added.

Dave King brought over a large clear plastic bag containing what appeared to be a marble statuette, covered with blood. “The murder weapon,” he said.

“That’s a weapon of opportunity,” Dino said. “Indicates her murderer didn’t necessarily come here to kill her. Indicates anger, too. But it wasn’t a burglary gone wrong. I’ll bet nothing’s missing.”

Fair’s large handbag, tagged, sat on the floor near her body.

“Anything missing from that?” he asked Dave King. “Money? Credit cards?”

“The bag seems to be intact,” King replied.

“May we look in the bedroom?” Stone asked.