“When the play closes, Ben and I want to come down there and hear about this firsthand.”

“You stay right where you are, young fellow. You’ve got school to do, and Dino and I are up to our ears in all this.” Holly took the paper from him and started to read.

“Oh, all right, but when I’m back in New York or when you’re up here, I want to know everything.”

“All right, when it’s all over I’ll give you the details.”

“I’ve got to run, Dad, it’s dress rehearsal today.”

“Take care of yourself, Peter.” Stone hung up.

Holly put down the paper. “I don’t believe this. They’ve got Charlotte Kirby’s story, and your interview was only yesterday.”

“I don’t believe it either,” Stone said. “Charlotte would never have told a newspaper reporter all that. The White House must be going nuts.” The cell phone rang again, and Stone picked it up. “Hello?”

“It’s Fair Sutherlin,” she said. “The White House has gone nuts over this story. What were you thinking, talking to the papers?”

“I haven’t talked to the papers, and neither has Dino. Do you think we’re insane?”

“Charlotte had to be sent home from work, and I don’t know how she can go on working here with this hanging over her head. How could you?”

“I’m telling you, I didn’t!” Stone said, with some heat.

“Who knew about this besides you and Dino?”

? width="“Just the principals in the investigation, nobody else. I haven’t even had a chance to tell the Lees.”

“Think, Stone: how could this have gotten out in all this detail?”

“I suppo

se Charlotte could have talked to somebody.”

“It wouldn’t be in her interests to do that,” Fair pointed out.

“I know, you’re right. Look, I’ve only just seen the papers. Let me get back to you when I know more.” He hung up before she could speak again.

Stone got out of bed, walked across the living room, and hammered on Dino’s door. “Dino! Get out here, we’ve got trouble!”

“All right, all right,” came the muffled reply.

Holly had gotten into a robe and followed Stone with the paper, then Dino came out of his bedroom in pajamas, looking sleepy “What?” he said.

Holly handed him the paper. Dino sank into a sofa and began to read. “What the fuck?” he said, finally.

“Where’s Shelley?” Stone asked.

“She slept at home last night. She left right after you and Holly disappeared.”

“She’s the only other person besides the three of us who knew about our conversation with Charlotte Kirby.”

“Oh, come on, Stone, you know better than that. Shelley would be jeopardizing her career by blabbing to the press about this.”

“You’d think so,” Stone said, “but we know it wasn’t any of the three of us. Who else knew about Charlotte Kirby?”

“Charlotte Kirby did, dummy,” Dino said. “She must have talked to somebody.”

“Isn’t there stuff in the story Charlotte didn’t know?” Holly asked.