“The White House staff is, in some ways, like any other group of workers. These things happen.”

“With whom did they happen, in the case of Mr. Kendrick?”

“I wouldn’t know,” she said, in a manner that made Stone think she knew.ink she “Is that all?”

“For the present, Ms. Kirby. Thank you for your help.”

Her reaction, as she stood to leave, made Stone think she was happy she hadn’t helped too much.


THE FOLLOWING MORNING, EARLY, STONE AND HOLLY WERE having breakfast with Dino and Shelley, when the phone rang. Dino got up and answered it. “For you,” he said to Shelley, holding up the phone. “It’s the FBI lab.”

Shelley left the table and went to the phone. “Yes?” She listened. “You got both? That’s great. Have you run them against the database? Thank you very much!” She hung up and returned to the breakfast table.

“Come on, tell us,” Stone said.

“This is your lucky day,” Shelley said. “The lab got both a fingerprint and a DNA sample.”

“Any idea whose?”

“They ran it against the database and got a hit on a White House employee.”

“Who?” Dino asked, hanging on her every word.

“One Esmerelda Feliciano.”

“Shit,” Dino said.

“Why aren’t you happy?” Shelley asked.

“Because Feliciano is the White House maid who found the lipstick. I guess she’s been using it ever since.”

“We should have expected this,” Stone said. “I refuse to be disappointed.”

“You go right ahead and refuse to be disappointed,” Dino said. “I’m pissed off.”

They ate for a couple of minutes in silence. Finally, Holly spoke. “I’m going to have to try that lipstick. The people who wear it do such exciting things. What’s it called?”

“Pagan Spring,” Dino said.

Holly began laughing, and soon they were all laughing.

“Where do they get these names?” Shelley said.

“Marketing and advertising people sit around having what they like to call ‘brainstorms’ and make them up.”

“Are they drunk when they’re doing this?” Shelley asked.

“I wouldn’t be surprised.”

The phone rang again, and again Dino got it. He pointed at Stone. “It’s for you, this time.”

Stone got up and went to the phone. “This is Stone Barrington.”

“It’s Fair Sutherlin.”

“Good morning. This is a pleasant surprise.”