“The Yankees, of course,” Dino said.

“You want to wait until it’s over before I tell you what happened?”

Dino muted the TV. “You ended up in the sack with her, didn’t you?”

“I don’t like your accusatory tone,” Stone said, “and a gentleman would never answer that question.”

“You just did,” Dino said.

“Never mind that. Milly had a lot to say, and I think you’ll find it interesting.”

“There was time for talking?” Dino asked “You’re losing your touch.”

“You want to hear this, or you want to watch the fucking ball game?”

Dino switched off the TV. “All right, I’m all ears.”

“First of all, she didn’t fall on hard times after her husband’s death—quite the contrary. And she doesn’t take money from men.”

“And you bought it?”

“She has a list of lovers, all or most of them married, but she’s not a hooker—she just likes sex.”

“She told you that?”

“No names, except the guy we saw yesterday, and of course Brix Kendrick. He was her first lover after her husband died.”

“Did anything she say have anything to do with why we’re here, or are we just gossiping?”

“Dino, she says that Brix told her he had a lover in the White House.”

“Anybody we know?”

“He wouldn’t give her the name, but they were doing it in the White House.”

“That’s impossible.”

Stone explained why it wasn’t.

“And you think it’s the first lady?”

“No, of course not, even though Milly said that was a possibility.”

“Why don’t we go back to New York and let Milly solve this?” Dino asked.

“You’re not paying attention, Dino. Now we have a motive for the murder.”

“I must have missed that.”

“Jealousy. Brix’s lover was jealous of his wife, or she wanted her out of the way so she’d have a clear shot at Brix.”

“Sounds like she had already hit the bull’s-eye,” Dino pointed out.

“The bull’s-eye was to have Brix all to herself.”