“Shoot. We’re about all out of thoughts.”

“What if Charlotte Kirby really did commit suicide? Maybe she just wiped her prints off the magazine and the bullets out of an excess of caution.”

Stone laughed.

“What’s funny?”

“Great minds think alike,” Stone said. “Dino and I were just discussing the same idea.”

“You were not!”

“I promise you, we were.”

“You just like the idea because it makes you and Dino look better.”

“I can’t deny that benefit,” Stone said, “but you had the idea independently, and you aren’t trying to make us look better, are you?”

“Well, since I brought you into this, it makes me look better, too.”

“Tell you what,” Stone said. “You go see the director right now and tell her about our mutual theory. If she buys it, we’

re out of here.”

“She’s out of the office today,” Holly said. “Maybe tomorrow, too.”

“Where is she?”

“She goes places unannounced all the time, and she doesn’t share that information with me.”

“Should I call the president and tell him?”

Holly thought for a moment. “No, it’s better if we go through Kate. That way, if she likes it, we’ll have her on our side, and she can take it to the president.”

“I like the idea of her taking it to the president. I’d just as soon not see him for a while, myself.”

“You don’t sound entirely convinced of our theory,” Holly said.

“I’m afraid to be entirely convinced of anything,” Stone said. “Once bitten, you know.”

“I know. Well, we can wait until Kate is back in the offi

ce, or you can go to the president now. What’s your choice?”

“What’s your advice?”

“I’d wait for Kate. I’d like to have her on our side.”

“I can’t argue with that,” Stone said. “Dinner tonight?”

“What else have I got to do?” Holly said. “I can shake loose here by seven.”

“See you then.” Stone hung up and explained to Dino.

“Okay,” Dino said, standing up and stretching. “I’m going to the Smithsonian.”

“What part of the Smithsonian? It’s a big place.”

“I’ll go to the part with all the airplanes, if you’ll go with me.”