“We talked about it a while back, in Dark Harbor; decided it wouldn’t work.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t want to live in Virginia, and she doesn’t want to live in New York.”

“Oh. Somehow I could see you living the life of a Virginia gentleman, riding to the hounds and all that.”

“I haven’t been on a horse since I was twelve, at summer camp,” Stone said, “and if I started a hunt on horseback, the horse would very likely finish without me.”

“How about being a gentleman farmer?”

“Not the slightest interest,” Stone said. “Isn’t that what grocery stores are for?”

“When was the last time you were in a grocery store?” Dino asked.

“I don’t remember. Joan and my housekeeper Helene do all the shopping.”

“Have you heard from Joan?”

“We’ve talked most days.”

“Is she happy about your partnership?”

“Yes, since she found out she doesn’t have to work in the Seagram Building. She likes it at my house.”

“How is the partnership going to change your life?”

Stone sighed. “I don’t know, really. I suppose I’ll have to attend more meetings, but I’m going to keep life as much like it is now as I can.”

“Everything changes.”

“Not everything; you’re still a lieutenant, when you could be a captain, or maybe even chief of detectives.”

“I don’t want that to change,” Dino said. “I’ve got it really good as it is; I pretty much work for myself, don’t have to take daily orders from anybody else. The commissioner likes me, the chief likes me, and the chief of detectives likes me. If I let them promote me, I’d be somebody’s rival, and the politics would start.”

“You’re right; you’ve got a sweet deal, and it would be a shame to screw that up.”

“You want to know what I’m doing right this minute?” Dino asked.

“You’re sitting on your ass,” Stone said.

“No, I’m liaising with my counterparts at the LAPD, comparing procedures and programs.”

“You could have fooled me,” Stone said.

“Didn’t you wonder what all that stuff with Rivera was about?”

“I thought you were just keeping your hand in.”

“Well, that, too.”

Stone’s cell rang. “Hello?”

“Stone, it’s Mike Freeman.”

“How are you, Mike?”

“Very well thanks.”