“Would she sell at the right price?”

“I don’t know, really, but I do know that she enjoys visiting her property in Bel-Air, and since she has no need of the money, I’m uncertain what her reaction would be.”

“All right, then,” Prince said, “let’s see if we can move this along. Please convey to your client that I will pay her two hundred million dollars for her property, and I will build her a house of her own design on the property that she may occupy for her lifetime, with full hotel services provided.”

“Provided at no cost to her?” Stone asked.

Prince bit his lip. “All right, all services provided at no cost to her.”

“Well,” Stone said, shrugging, “next time I speak to her, I’ll mention your interest and see what she has to say.”

Prince looked irritated. “I would appreciate it if you would make it your business to convey my offer to her at the earliest

possible moment, certainly no later than close of business on Monday. And please tell her that I wish my offer kept in the strictest confidence until such time as I wish to announce the acquisition permanently.”

“I don’t think you want to press her,” Stone said. “Mrs. Calder is a woman who does not respond well to pressure.”

“Of course not,” Prince said.

“I should also tell you that I believe strongly that your pursuit of Centurion Studios would be a serious impediment to her consideration of your offer.”


“Both Mrs. Calder and her late husband have had a great affection for their association with Centurion, and she would be extremely reluctant to do business with someone who threatened the existence of the studio as it now is presently constituted.”

“My offer does not involve Centurion in any way. These are two separate transactions.”

“Mrs. Calder won’t see it that way,” Stone said. “Shall we just forget this conversation?”

“Please convey my offer to her as it now stands,” Prince said. “And call me when you’ve spoken to her.”

Stone shrugged. “If you wish,” he said, “but I’m not optimistic about this.”

“Perhaps she can learn to be optimistic about two hundred million dollars and a free house.”

“Speaking of houses,” Stone said, “when are you planning to move into your new Virginia residence?”

“I was planning to move in immediately,” Prince said, “but I now understand that there is a problem in the house with raccoons and bats.”

“I believe she stated that on the disclosure form,” Stone said, “and she told me she also mentioned it to you personally.”

“I did not think she was serious,” Prince said frostily. “Good day.”

And he marched out of the house, followed by his armed retinue.


The pianist returned to his work, and Stone moved out of the corner and back into the thick of the party.

Jack Schmeltzer, his host, reappeared. “Why don’t we step out onto the deck for a moment?” he said to Stone.

“Of course,” Stone replied. They moved through the French doors and onto the now-empty expanse of teak overlooking the Pacific.

“I know, of course,” Schmeltzer said, “of the controversy over the sale of part of the Centurion property.”

“I suppose word has gotten around,” Stone said.

“I invited Terrence Prince here this evening to get a close look at him. We don’t move in the same circles.”