“I doubt if the occasion will arise for me to speak to him again.”

“Aren’t you going to close the Centurion deal?”

“If I do, it won’t require a personal visit from Mr. Prince; I’ll just vote the Calder shares at the stockholders’ meeting.”

“What does the Virginia Champion Farms deal have to do with your position on Centurion?” she asked.

“Is that what Prince sent you here to find out? All right, I’ll tell you: it has nothing whatever to do with Centurion.” That wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t entirely the truth, either.

“I’m confused,” she replied.

“It’s not my job to start you thinking clearly,” Stone said. “But when you do, give me a call, and maybe we can do some business. In the meantime, it would behoove you not to speak to Prince about this house and property. There will come a time when it will be more to your advantage.” He took a sip of his brandy, then stood up. “Good night,” he said.

She stood up, flustered. “Thank you for dinner.” She got out as fast as she could.

Stone was very satisfied with the way that went. Of course, he still didn’t know who she was, but her fingerprints on her brandy glass might help with that.

Stone sat sipping his brandy for a few quiet moments. Then his cell phone went off. “Hello?”

“It’s Mike Freeman.”

“Good evening, Mike; you’re up late.”

“I got a call from my operative who’s tracking Carolyn Blaine; he’s having trouble getting her fingerprints.”

“I have them,” Stone said. “Tell him to drive to the house and ring the bell.”

“Perfect,” Mike replied. “I’m coming out there tomorrow. Perhaps we can get together?”

“I’d like that. Where will you stay?”

“At the Bel-Air Hotel.”

“Has it reopened?” The Bel-Air had been closed for more than a year, undergoing a complete renovation.

“The Grand Reopening is tomorrow night; would you like to go?”

“Sure. Come here for a drink first; we’re just around the corner.”

“Six o’clock all right?”

“That’s fine.” They both hung up.


The following morning Stone joined Dino at poolside for breakfast. “Where’s Hetty?” he asked.

“She had an early call at the studio,” Dino replied. “How did you and Carolyn get on?”

“Not very well,” Stone replied. “She left early.”

“It’s unlike you to send a lady home early, Stone.”

“She’s no lady,” Stone replied. “Mike Freeman is coming out here today. He’s invited us to a reopening party at the Bel-Air Hotel.”

“Sounds like fun,” Dino said. “Should I ask Hetty?”

“If you like. You might do better at the party, though.”