“Why aren’t we returning to New York tonight?”

“In case we need a second meeting tomorrow.”

THEY ARRIVED AT Ed Garland’s office on time and were greeted warmly by Garland, with whom Stone had previously worked on a case, and coolly by Max Long and his attorney. The meeting was called to order, and Stone sat silently while Carrie enumerated her demands. He tried not to hold his breath.

Long’s attorney opened his mouth to speak, but Max stopped him. “Yes,” he said.

“We’ll take yes for an answer,” Stone said. “Ed, can I borrow a typist for a moment? We’ll get this signed now.”

“Sure, Stone.”


; Half an hour later, both parties signed, and Max Long wrote a large check. Everyone shook hands and parted.

On the way back to the hotel, Stone handed Carrie her copy of the agreement. “Tell me again why I was at this meeting?” he asked.

“For bodily protection,” Carrie said, “and as a prop.”

“A prop? Like a stage prop?”

“Exactly. You were the attorney prop.”

“You mean you knew that Max would meet your demands?”

“I did.”


“He knew that if he didn’t, I would make his life miserable until he did. I knew that he knew that it would be a whole lot easier for him if he just caved immediately, before I could think of something else to ask for.”

“You should have been a divorce lawyer,” Stone said.

“I have been, for the past year or so,” she said. “I’ve learned a lot.”

“You’re a quick study.”

“On stage and off.”

After dining at the excellent Ritz-Carlton restaurant, they made love until they were exhausted and then fell asleep.

The following morning they were driven to the airport, and as the airplane lifted off the runway, Stone relaxed. Nobody had tried to kill Carrie, and it appeared that nobody would. He was able to sleep all the way home.

When he got back to the house, there was a phone message from Mitzi Reynolds, time-stamped the afternoon before.

“Our drinks with Sharpe and Hildy have been postponed until tomorrow night,” she said. “My place at seven. We’re going to dinner afterward.”

Stone breathed a sigh of relief; he had completely forgotten their appointment of the evening before.

“I have plans for this evening,” he said to Carrie, “so I’m going to put you in a cab home.”

“Plans?” she asked.

“In connection with the police operation.”

“You’re seeing Mitzi, then?”

“I am.”