“Stone? It’s Sig. How are you?”

“Very well, Sig, and you?”

“Just great. What did you think of my prospectus?”

“Well, I had a look at it, and I thought it was a little skimpy on information.” Best not to overenthuse, Stone thought.

“Stone, I hope you appreciate the need for absolute secrecy in this matter; I’m the only person outside the company itself who is privy to this new product, and I’ve given my word not to disclose the kind of information I think you’re talking about. Now if either you or Mitzi isn’t comfortable with that level of confidentiality, I’ll understand if you don’t want to participate.”

“Mitzi is more comfortable with it than I am,” Stone said, “and she’s the boss. She should be in touch with you today about her investment.”

“Great, Stone. I’ll look forward to hearing from her. Thanks for your help.” He hung up.

Stone called Mitzi’s cell. “Okay, I’ve baited the hook with Larsen.”


“How big a bad check are you going to give him?”

“Ten million dollars.”

“Whoa! Way too much. Your bogus net worth is only $39,000,000, remember? You’ll scare him off.”

“How much, then?”

“Five million, tops. What bank will it be on?”

“My Charleston bank, the real one. I’ve already talked with my guy there, and he understands and will not pay the check.”

“Suppose Larsen has his bank call and put a hold on the funds?”

“I thought of that. My guy will tell them it’s against bank policy; they’ll have to present the actual check.”

“That could work. When are you going to give Larsen the check?”

“Tomorrow morning; we’re meeting for coffee at the Carlyle Hotel at ten a.m.”

“Will Tom be able to see you?”

“Yes. I’d like it if you could be there, too.”

“Participating or just watching?”


“I made a point of sounding as if I have reservations about the investment, and I’ll continue that pose at the meeting. The enthusiasm will have to come from you.”

“I’ll be enthusiastic,” Mitzi said.

“All right, I’ll meet you there at ten.”

“See you then. Dinner tomorrow night?”

“Just the two of us?”

“If you like.”

“I think that’s best for now.”