“Because he thinks his father owes him a lot more and is trying to cheat him. Doesn’t sound like he’d be a candidate for a quick buck dealing drugs, does it? I mean, he’s already living on one trust fund that seems to be supporting him in comfort.”
“You got a point,” Tommy said.
“One other thing, and this doesn’t sound so good: when Evan bought Chuck Chandler’s boat, he paid for it with a hundred thirty thousand in hundred-dollar bills.”
“I don’t know. Why don’t you ask him?”
“I mean, a guy who’s got that kind of money would run it through a bank, wouldn’t he?”
“Could be some sort of tax dodge.”
“Yeah, that could make sense.”
“Did you release him?”
“Yeah, we talked for about two hours, then I cut him loose.”
“Did you get an address?”
“Yeah, he’s staying at the Gardens, which is a block or two from the Marquesa. It’s just as nice, but more expensive.”
“Be interesting to know if he’s paying cash,” Stone said. 7 9
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“I’ll fi nd out.”
“Will you let me hear from you about that and the check with the prep school?”
“Sure. See you later.”
Stone hung up. “Evan is staying at the Gardens, just up the street from here.”
“I saw the sign,” Dino said.
“Oh, it was Evan’s girlfriend, Gigi Jones, who slugged me outside the restaurant. He says she’s sometimes overprotective.”
“Well, at least that resulted in your meeting the Swede. Was the blow to the neck worth the roll in the hay?”
“I think it’s going to take me longer to recover from the roll in the hay,” Stone said. “I’m supposed to call her about dinner tonight, but I’m not sure I’m up to it.”
“Take a nap; you’ll be fi ne.”
Stone’s cell phone vibrated. “Hello?”
“Hi, it’s Evan Keating.”
“Good morning.”
“I didn’t call you last night, because I got the feeling I didn’t need a lawyer.”
“Evan, let me explain something to you: cops do everything they can to make you feel like you don’t need a lawyer, then they can nail you for something you said. If they call you in again, take along a lawyer.”
“Well, okay, but I didn’t kill Charley, and I don’t think I’m a suspect.”
“You’ll be a suspect until they can hang it on somebody else, or until they can prove to themselves that you didn’t do it.”