“And you’ll get back to me?”

“Give me a day or two.”

“You want me to hang here until then?”

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“Yes. I want somebody near Evan Keating, if we need to negotiate with him. You won’t mind working on your tan for a little longer, will you?”

“I’ll tough it out,” Stone said, then hung up.

“I’ll tough it out, too,” Dino said.

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THE Y FINIS HE D B R E A K F AS T , and Stone called Tommy Sculley. “Hey, Tommy.”

“Hey, Stone.”

“What happened with Evan Keating?”

“We brought him in for a chat. He said he didn’t know Charley Boggs was dead until you told him. He seemed upset about it.”

“Yeah, he said he and Charley had known each other since they were in prep school.”

“It’s hard to think of Charley in prep school, but we’re checking with the school now to confirm all this.”

“What’s your take on Keating’s possible involvement?”

“I’m inclined to think he’s not involved, but I’ve been burned before, so I’m not going to form an opinion until I’ve checked everything out.”

“Did he tell you about Charley using his boat?”

“I didn’t ask him about his boat.”

“Evan denies having spent a night on his boat out at the reef, and he says he lost his cell phone the day he bought the boat. For what it’s worth, Charley helped him move the boat the day he bought it, 7 8

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so he could have filched Evan’s cell phone and taken the boat out to the reef without Evan’s knowledge.”

“Yeah, I guess. That would support the contention that Evan wasn’t involved in the drug trade with Charley.”

“Something else makes me think Evan is clean of all this,” Stone said.

“What’s that?”

“This is between you and me, Tommy; it involves client confi dentiality.”

“Okay, it goes no further.”

“Last night I offered Even Keating twenty-one million for his share of the family business, and he turned me down.”

“He turned down twenty-one mil? Holy shit! Why?”