“Could Charley Boggs have used it without your knowledge?”

“Well, yes. He knew where the keys were stashed.”

“Could Charley have used your cell phone?”

“I lost my cell phone the day I bought the boat; it must have gone overboard.”

“You may need a lawyer soon,” Stone said. “You’ve got my number.” He got up and left by the exit directly from the bar deck to the street and saw Tommy Sculley and Daryl getting out of their car.

“He’s out back,” Stone said, jerking a thumb in that direction. Stone drove back to Annika’s house and found her setting the table.

“Smells good,” he said. “What are we having?”

“Swedish meatballs,” she replied. “What else?”

“Sounds great.”

“Did you conclude your business?”

“Not really,” Stone replied. He had the feeling there was more business to do, but he wasn’t sure what it was. 7 2


STON E W O K E U P the following morning in Annika’s bed, exhausted. They had made love until they fell asleep after midnight, and she had wakened him in the middle of the night for more. He didn’t have another round in him, so he got out of bed, slipped into his clothes and tiptoed out of the house. He was halfway back to the Marquesa when his cell phone vibrated. “Hello?”

“Where did you go?” Annika said.

“I have a breakfast meeting,” he lied.

“I want you. Let’s have dinner tonight?”

“I’m not sure what’s going on yet. Let me call you this afternoon.”

“All right, but you better.”

“I will.” He snapped the phone shut and returned it to its holster. Dino wasn’t up yet. Stone showered, shaved and dressed and walked out to their porch. Dino was sipping coffee from the pot in his room.

“I ordered breakfast for you,” Dino said.


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S t u a r t W o o d s

“You look a little peaked.”

“You could say that,” Stone agreed.

“Is the Swede turning out to be too much for you?”

“Don’t ask.” Stone looked at his watch. Eggers would be at his desk momentarily.

“Any news on any front?” Dino asked.

“Yes, and I’m going to call Eggers in a minute. You can listen in, so I won’t have to repeat myself.”

“I’ll try and contain myself,” Dino said drily. Stone pressed the speed-dial button on his phone, and it began to ring. He pressed the speaker button so Dino could hear the conversation.