“That’s a dirty Communist lie,” Stone said. “I mean, you’ve got to have a disreputable client or two to make a living. After all, they’re the ones who need lawyers.”

“Are you telling me you can’t make a living representing reputable people?” Eliza asked.

“Well, reputable people occasionally sue or get sued, or get divorced, but that’s not likely to lead to a protracted trial, the kind that runs up billable hours.”

“When was the last time you had a protracted trial?” Dino asked.

“That’s beside the point,” Stone replied. “I’m simply replying to your baseless charge of disrepute by using an illustration.”

“It says Woodman and Weld on your card,” Eliza pointed out. “That’s a very reputable firm.”

“Yeah,” Dino said, “and they stay that way by handing off the disreputable clients to Stone.”

“It’s a mutually convenient solution to both our problems,” Stone said. “For instance, at the insistence of Woodman and Weld, I’m currently suing a big-time mafioso on behalf of a client they would never represent.”

“Which big-time mafioso?” she asked.

“One Carmine Dattila.”

“Dattila the Hun?” she asked, wide-eyed.

“You clearly need to be reading a better newspaper,” Stone said. “Try the Times.”

“Oh, I read the Times,” she said, “but not for fun. I like the Post and the News for that.”

“You sound like my secretary,” Stone said.

Later, when they had finished dinner, they left the restaurant.

“Can I offer you a nightcap at my house?” Stone said.

“No, you can put me in a cab and send me home.”

“Where do you live?”

“Not far, but you’re in no condition to walk.”

“I didn’t have all that much to drink.”

She pointed at the cane.

“Oh, that. The pain has temporarily subsided.”

“Not enough for you to walk me home. I’ll accept the drink offer when I’m not looking at an early shift on the morrow.”

Stone stepped into the street and flagged down a cab, then opened the door for her.

She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek. “Thanks for dinner. I liked Elaine’s.”

“Another time soon?”

“I’m around this weekend.”

“Alas, I’m out of town. Early next week?”

“Call me.” She got into the cab, and it drove away.

Stone sighed and started looking for his own cab.