“No, I went out with your gun, looking for the bastard.”

Stone groaned. “Tell me you didn’t shoot anybody.”

“I didn’t shoot anybody.”

“For future reference, if you hear troubling noises, you call nine-one-one. You’ll probably get somebody out of bed up there, but that’s better than your getting hurt. You do not, repeat not, go outside with a gun. Is that perfectly clear?”

“I miss you,” she said.

“I miss you, too.” This was not a lie.

“Why don’t you come up here tonight?”

“I was hit by a car yesterday.”

“Oh, God!” she said. “He tried to do that once before.”


“Yes. He thought I had talked too much to some guy in a bar, and he tried to run him down in the street, but he missed.”

“Well, he has since perfected his technique.”

“Are you all right?”

“I hurt a lot, and my left wrist is broken.”

“Oh, shit, I wish I were there to give you a massage. Can I come down there?”

“No, you may not; I think it’s still too dangerous. Anyway, that car I rented for you at the gas station probably wouldn’t make it to the city.”

“So I have to stay here by myself?”

“I’ll come up this weekend.”

“I’ll give you a massage. All over.”

“I’ll come twice.”

“When can I expect you?”

“Book us a table at the Mayflower for eight on Friday.”

“Will do.”

“I have to get some sleep now.”

“See you Friday.”

“Bye.” He hung up and tried to forget that he had an erection.

At eight-fifteen he took the elevator downstairs and limped toward the front door. He had a pill in his pocket, but it was too soon to take it, so he snagged a cane that had belonged to his father from the hall umbrella stand and left the house in search of a cab. He looked carefully up and down the street for threats and suddenly wished he had worn a gun.

He was at Elaine’s the usual five minutes ahead of Dino, who joined him and accepted a Scotch from the waiter.

“How are the various affected parts of your body?”

“Responding well to drugs.” He looked at his watch. “Another half hour before I can take another pill.” He took a big swig of his bourbon. “This should help.”