“Yes, thank you. What can I do for you, Bernie?”

“I represent a certain party downtown who was baffled yesterday to have you walk into his place of business and hand him a summons! He wants to know what this is all about!”

“Didn’t you read the complaint, Bernie?”

“Well, not exactly; it didn’t really survive the day!”

“I’ll send you a copy.”

“Just give me a quick run-through, and I’ll read it later!”

“My client lost a considerable sum of money, betting with one of your client’s employees. When he failed to pay fast enough, two of your client’s other employees dragged him from a public eating establishment, causing him great humiliat

ion and embarrassment, then proceeded to beat him on the sidewalk, until they were interrupted by a police officer.”

“Did the cop arrest them?”


“Well, then it couldn’t have been too serious, could it?”

“I assure you, my client takes it very seriously, since he now faces plastic surgery to his face, and he is looking forward to meeting your client in court.”

Finger’s tone changed, and he spoke more quietly. “Well, Stone, I have to presume you know who you’re dealing with here.”

“Bernard Finger, Esquire, I presume.”

“Heh, heh. Well I’m sure you understand that my client is not accustomed to being hauled into court on civil matters.”

“Only landlords are accustomed to that,” Stone replied. “I suggest you explain to your client that this is, indeed, a civil matter, which means that he will be required to testify, and he won’t be able to clam up the way he does when he’s addressed by the U.S. attorney. Tell him that I will look forward to questioning him about his various sources of income and his business practices, and I am certain that various members of the federal legal establishment will be present in the courtroom to hear his answers and to learn if he perjures himself. I would also expect a trial to be attended by many members of the media.”

“Well, Stone, that ain’t never going to happen.”

“Then I will see your client in civil jail while he ruminates on his response to my client’s lawsuit.”

“You don’t understand.”

“No, Bernie, your client doesn’t understand, and I hardly need remind you that it is your duty to explain it all to him, a prospect that I do not envy you. By the way, yet another of your client’s employees attacked and injured me in the La Boheme coffeehouse yesterday, and I am contemplating legal recourse. Finally, you should tell your client that I anticipate an extralegal response to this suit, either against my client or myself, and that I welcome such actions, since they will only strengthen my position and make him further liable for a criminal action against him.”

“Stone, you sound very tense, you know. You should have a massage, or something. Good morning.” Bernard Finger hung up.

Stone called Dino.


“It’s Stone.”


“Guess who I just had a call from.”

Dino sighed. “Just tell me.”

“Bernard Finger.”

“The man himself?”

“None other. He represents Carmine Dattila.”