Next time we meet, I will explain why I have made the decisions I have regarding our estate. In the meantime, I ask you to follow my wishes as you understand them.

It is not inconceivable that, should I die anytime soon, my employers may express an interest in my affairs, and I authorize you to cooperate with them to the extent you deem advisable.

Finally, I have attached a joint financial statement, giving account numbers, phone numbers of brokers, etc., which you would find useful in the event of our deaths. I should explain that most of our combined assets come from Barbara, inherited from her father.

I thank you for your kind attention to this matter, and the next time I find myself in New York, I’ll take you to dinner again—it’s been too long—or, alternatively, perhaps you might find some time to spend with us in June in Islesboro. I built my own house there four years ago, and you’ll find it more comfortable than the old family barn, now occupied by Caleb and his menagerie.

Warm regards, Dick

Stone put the letter aside and read the will and the financial statement, then he called the group back into his office.

“All right. I have Dick’s permission to talk with you about the package. Let me summarize: It contains a letter to me, his and his wife’s will and a financial statement.”

“What…” Lance began.

Stone held up a hand. “It’s all very simple,” he said. “If Dick dies first, Barbara gets everything; if she dies first, he gets everything; if they both die, their daughter, Esme, gets everything in trust. I am appointed their executor and their daughter’s guardian and trustee.”

“What happens if they all die?” Lance asked.

“Apart from a few bequests to Barbara’s relatives and to a family retainer, the bulk of the estate would go to the Samuel Bernard Foundation. I would inherit the use of the Islesboro house for the life of myself and my heirs, along with the proceeds of a trust, set up to pay the expenses of maintaining and running the house. If I don’t want the place, it would be sold, and the proceeds would go to the same foundation. Dick has specifically excluded his brother and his family as heirs, and if I sell the house, I am instructed to entail the deed in such a way that Caleb could never buy it.”

“Sounds like some hard feeling between the two of them.”

“Given my experience of them in their youth, I’m not surprised,” Stone said. “I know Sam Bernard, of course, but what is the foundation?” Samuel Bernard had been a law-school professor of Stone’s and had remained a mentor who had historic connections to the CIA.

“It’s set up to provide for the families of Agency officers killed or disabled in the line of duty,” Lance said. “How much did Dick leave the foundation?”

“A million dollars,” Stone said, “in the event of his own death. As I said, in the event of the whole family dying simultaneously, most of the estate goes to the foundation.”

“And how much is that?”

“Thirty million dollars, give or take. Dick’s wife was a very wealthy woman.”

Lance drew in a quick breath. “That is astonishingly generous,” he said.

“Lance,” Stone said, “what reason do you have for thinking that Dick murdered his family and killed himself?”

“That is the opinion of the sheriff and the state police in Maine,” Lance said. “My superiors would like for you and me to determine if he’s right.”

“Do you think Dick was mentally ill? You’ve seen him more recently than I.”

“I have no reason to think so, and certainly the contents of his letter to you and his will are lucid and make him seem sound of mind.”

“So the sheriff wants us to believe that a man who has spent his career handling intricate intelligence matters and who has just received the promotion of a lifetime is so nuts and despondent as to murder his family and commit suicide?”

“At this date, I suppose the sheriff’s conclusions are preliminary and based only on the physical evidence.”

“And what is the physical evidence?”

“I have

no idea.”

“Then I guess we’d better go to Maine,” Stone said.

“I could take some time,” Dino said. “Mind if I come along? It would keep me out of Mary Ann’s way.”

“We could always use another experienced homicide investigator,” Lance said.