“I have his name and address,” Herbie said slyly, rubbing his fingers together in a fashion indicating he wanted money.

“You still want me to shoot him, Stone?”

“Not until he gives us the name and address,” Stone replied.

“So, do I get the reward?”

Stone clapped him on the back. “Sit down, Herbie, and have a drink. Good to see you.”


HERBIE TOOK A sip of the twelve-year-old Scotch he had requested. “Looks like I’m getting more popular,” he said to nobody in particular.

“It’s an illusion,” Stone said. “Who brought the pictures in?”

“This guy.”

“Which guy?”

“This Italian guy.”

“How did you know he was Italian?”

“You think I don’t know a goombah when I see one?” Herbie took another sip of Scotch. “And he had an Italian name.”

Stone took out his notebook and a pen. “Spell it for me,” he said.

“G . . .” Herbie blinked. “Hey, what about the reward?”

“It’s like this, Herbie: The FBI said on television that they were offering a reward for the arrest of Trini Rodriguez. They didn’t say that they had to arrest him.”

“So, they’ll give me the reward even if Dino arrests him?”

“Well, that is certainly what I inferred from their announcement. Do you have any reason to think differently?”

Herbie scratched his head. “I don’t think so.”

“Well, there you are.”



“Where’s there?”

Stone sighed. “Herbie, do you know what obstruction of justice is?”

“Sort of, I think.”

“Well, if you don’t give me the name, Dino will arrest you for obstruction of justice.”

“Why give it to you? You’re not a cop, Dino is.”

“Then give it to Dino.”

“Dino, if I give you the name, do you promise I’ll get the reward?”

“Herbie, if you give me the name and address of the guy who brought the film in for processing, I promise I’ll do everything in my power to get you that reward. I’ll even write the FBI a letter, saying you’re the guy who deserves the reward.”