“Okay.” She went off the line, then came back. “I’m getting a recording saying that the person’s phone is out of the calling area. What next?”

“First of all, if Irving Newman, the bail bondsman, calls or sends anybody over, I’m out of the country, can’t be reached, and you don’t know when I’ll be back. Got that?”

“Got it.”

“Now get me Tony Levy. He’s probably on his cell phone, too.”

Levy came on the line. “Yeah?”

“Tony, it’s Stone Barrington.”

“Yeah, Stone, you got something for me?”

“Just the opposite,” Stone replied. “When is Herbie Fisher’s next court appearance?”

Levy let out a short laugh. “He jumped bail, didn’t he?”

“There are some things it’s better for you not to know, Tony. When’s his next appearance?”

“The day after tomorrow.”

“Oh, shit. Is Judge Simpson back yet?”

“No, out for at least another week. Kaplan’s still sitting.”

Stone tried to think how things could be worse and failed. “Tony, I want you to get a postponement.”

“On what grounds, and for how long?”

“On any credible grounds you can dream up and until Judge Simpson is back on the bench and in a really good mood.”

“I’ll see what I can do. If I can’t get the postponement, any chance Herbie will show?”

“If he doesn’t, it’ll be because he’s dead.”

“Whatever you say, Stone. What are you going to tell Irving Newman?”

“I’m not going to tell him anything, and don’t you, either.”

“He’ll hear about the postponement, you know. He’s got a guy in court every day.”

“He’ll hear whatever you tell Judge Kaplan, and it better be good.”

“Stone, this is going to cost you.”

“Cost me what?”

“Five grand. That’s my price for lying to a judge.”

“Tony . . .”

“Come on, Stone. We both know it’s a bargain.”

“All right. Joan will send you a check today.”

“Cash, like before. I don’t want to share it with Uncle Sam.”

“All right, Tony. You may be able to reach me on my cell phone, if it’s absolutely necessary.” Stone gave him the number.