“I suppose so.”

“The parties we know are involved in this are Lance, the bald man and his two companions, and the two ‘Greeks,’ and they’re dead. If there’s another party, I don’t know about it, and neither do you.”

“Lance would,” Stone said. “If he knows anything. It’s possible that another party murdered the two men, and Lance knows nothing about it.”

“If you were the investigating officer, and you are, in a way, would you believe that?”

“It wouldn’t be my first theory,” Stone admitted.

“Now, back to the bald gentleman. I think he’s a diplomat; how do we find out who he is?”

“Tonight, I’ll have a list of the people at table twelve,” Stone said. “We can begin there.”

“Very good,” Hedger said. The waiter arrived with their sole, and they tucked into it.

Stone liked the roe.


LATER THAT EVENING, MR. CHEVALIER, the maître d’ in the Connaught restaurant, took note that Stone had arrived, for the second time that week, with a beautiful woman. He must have had a sense of humor, because he seated them at the same corner table that Stone had shared with Sarah.

Sarah had called that afternoon. “Why don’t I cook you some dinner at my flat this evening?”

“I’m afraid I already have plans,” Stone said.

“Anyone I know?”

Strictly speaking, no, though she knew about Arrington. “No.”

“I’m not sure I like this.”

“It’s business,” Stone said, falling back on the most convenient lie. He didn’t like lying, but he was cornered.


“How’s it going with James’s estate?” he asked, wanting to remind her that she should, strictly speaking, be in mourning.

“Splendidly,” she said. “Julian Wainwright has had a word with the conglomerate, and it looks as though they’re still interested in buying the business.”

“That’s good news.”

“Yes, it is.”

There was an awkward silence.

“Will I see you this week?”

“Of course. Oh, by the way, do you know if Monica spoke to Lance the other night, after she gave me the keys to the Farm Street house?”

“I don’t think so; we had dinner together, and I dropped her off at her place later. She didn’t call anyone while we were together. Why?”

“I decided not to go to Lance’s house, since it really isn’t any of my business, and I didn’t want Lance to think I had been there.”

“I’m seeing Monica later today; I could mention that to her, if you like.”

“I’d appreciate that. I put the keys through her mail slot not long after she gave them to me.”

“All right, then, I’ll see you later, I hope.”