“That’s it?”

“Yes, sir; I’ll be waiting when you’re ready to leave; just give your name to the marine on duty.”

“See you later, then.”

“Yes, sir.”

Stone got out of the car and entered the house. In the huge foyer, there was a reception line that was moving slowly. Stone got into it, behind a very American-looking couple. He was short and pudgy; she was taller, very blonde, and expensive-looking.

“Hey,” the woman said.

“Good evening,” Stone replied.

“That’s what I should have said, I guess; good evening.”

“Hey works for me,” Stone laughed.

She held out her hand. “I’m Tiffany Butts; this is my husband, Marvin.”

Stone shook their hands.

“We’re from Fort Worth, Texas,” she said. “Are you an American?”

“Oh, yes; I’m from New York.”

“I wasn’t sure about your accent.”

“I’ve been here a few days; maybe I’m picking up an English accent.”

“Oh, shoot, no, it’s just me.”

“What business are you in, Mr. Barrington?” Marvin Butts asked.

“I’m an attorney.”

“I’m in the scrap metal business,” Butts said. “In a fairly big way.”

I’ll bet you are, Stone thought, or you wouldn’t be at this party. “Sounds good.”

“Good, and getting better,” Butts replied.

They had been moving along the line, and suddenly they were before the ambassador and his wife. The ambassador was sixtyish, slim, and handsomely tailored. His wife was twenty-five years his junior, very beautiful and elegant. The ambassador greeted Marvin and Tiffany Butts warmly, then turned toward Stone.

“Good evening,” he said. “Welcome to the residence.”

“Good evening, Mr. Ambassador,” Stone replied. “I’m Stone Barrington.”

“Ah,” the ambassador said, looking him up and down.

His wife gave Stone a broad smile. “We have a mutual friend, Stone,” she said.

“And who would that be, Madame Ambassador?”

“Oh, please, I’m Barbara, among friends.”

Friends? What was she talking about? An aide ushered Stone farther along before he could ask.

Stone found himself a few steps above a large hall, looking down on a very elegant crowd. Before he had moved a step, he recognized two people. The sight of either would have made his heart beat a little faster, but for very different reasons.