"I'm afraid so."

"I always liked Arrington," she said. "I wouldn't have thought she could kill anybody."

"I don't think she did."

"Can you prove it?"

"I guess the only way I can prove that is by proving somebody else did it. Otherwise, even if she's tried and acquitted, too many people will believe she's guilty, and a smart lawyer got her off."

"I hear she's got a smart lawyer-besides you, I mean."

"That's right; he's doing a good job, so far."

"Stone." She looked at him sadly.


"Sometimes people do things you woul

dn't think they could do. People get stressed, you know, and the cork pops."

Stone nodded.

"If you want to get through this okay, you'd better get used to the idea that you may be wrong about her."

"I don't think I am."

"Protect yourself; don't tear out your guts hoping."

It was the first advice he'd ever had from her. "I'll try," he said. He looked up to see Dino and Mary Ann coming through the door. He especially wanted to see Mary Ann.

Everybody hugged, kissed, sat down, and ordered drinks.

"You got a little sun," Dino said, inspecting him.

"Out there, you get it just walking around."

Elaine got up to greet some customers, giving his shoulder a squeeze as she left.

"What was that?" Dino asked.

"Encouragement," Stone replied. "I think she thinks Arrington did it."

"Doesn't everybody?" Dino asked.

"Do you?"

"Let's put it this way: I think I'm probably more objective about it than you are."


"Let me ask you something, Stone: If you all of a sudden found out for sure that she did it, would you try to get her off, anyway?"

"That's my job."

"You're not her lawyer; Blumberg is."

Stone looked into his drink. "It's still my job."