"Have you told Eduardo?"

"I have a call in to him now."

"That should be an interesting conversation."

"Any advice as to how I should handle it?"

"Oh, I don't know; how do you feel about South America?"

"Come on, Dino; how should I break it to him?"

"Right between the eyes, dead straight; he might respect that."

"I hope so."

"Then again, he might not. He dotes on that girl; if he thinks you've done her wrong, well…"

"Well, what?"

"You might not be well for very long."

"Dino, this isn't Sicily."

"To Eduardo, everywhere is Sicily."

"I see your point," Stone said.

"I think everything is going to depend on what Dolce says to

Eduardo," Oino said. "How pissed off was she when you broke it to her?"

"Pretty pissed off."


nbsp; "Oh."


"Maybe she'll cool off before she talks to the old man."


"For your sake, I hope so."


"You want me to take some time off, come out there?"

"I don't know what you could do, Dino, except keep me company. That, I wouldn't mind."

"You let me know if something comes up and you need me, okay?"


"I got a meeting; talk to you later."

Stone hung up. Why did everybody think Arrington was guilty, except him? Was he completely nuts? Blinded by how he felt about her? He made himself a sandwich in the bungalow's kitchen, then went into Betty's office. "How's the mail coming?"