"Well, I wouldn't let too much time pass before squaring this with both Eduardo and Dolce," Arrington said. "It won't get any easier."

"I know," Stone replied.

The phone on the table between them rang, and Arrington picked it up. "Yes? Oh, hello, Manolo; yes, I'm very well, thank you. I'll be spending a couple of days out here." She listened for a moment. "Did the police make much of a mess? Well, I'm sure you and Isabel can handle it. Yes, he's right here." She handed the phone to Stone. "Manolo wants to speak to you."

Stone took the phone. "Hello, Manolo."

"Good evening, Mr. Barrington. A lady has been telephoning you here; she's called several times. A Miss Bianchi?"

"Yes, I know her; I'll call her tomorrow."

"She left a number."

Stone realized he had left Dolce's number in Sicily at the Bel-Air house. He took out a pen and notebook. "Please give it to me."

Manolo repeated the number; Stone thanked him and hung up.

"Dolce called?" Arrington asked.

"Yes." He looked at his notebook. "She seems to be at the Bel-Air Hotel."

"Why don't you call her from the study," Arrington said. "I don't want to hear this conversation."

"Good idea." Stone went into the study and dialed the hotel number.

"Bel-Air Hotel," the operator said.

"Miss Dolce Bianchi, please."

"One moment. I'm sorry, sir, but we don't have anyone by that name registered."

Stone was baffled for a moment, then he had a terrible thought. "Do you have a Mrs. Stone Barrington?"

"Yes, sir; I'll connect you."

As the phone rang, Stone gritted his teeth.

Chapter 19

The phone rang and rang, and for a moment, Stone thought she'd be out. He was sighing with relief when Dolce, a little breathless, picked it up.


Stone couldn't quite bring himself to speak.

"Stone, don't you hang up on me," she said.

"I'm here."

"I'm sorry I took so long to answer; I was in the shower."

"We need to talk," he said.

"Come on over; I'll order dinner for us."

"I won't be able to stay for dinner; I have another commitment." This was almost true.

"I'll be waiting."