"I don't like this much," Marc was saying.
"What's the difference who he's testifying for? We know what he's going to say."
"Do we?"
"I think so. It might be more effective to let the D.A. get his story into the record, then bring out our points on cross."
"Okay, I buy that. Now, let's get started."
They worked through lunch, and at mid-afternoon, Dino called.
"Hi. I've got an appointment."
"As soon as I can get there."
"Thanks, Dino."
"Meet me at the studio at seven."
"See you then."
Stone hung up and turned to Marc. "Are we about done? There's somewhere I have to be."
"Go ahead; I'll see you at the courthouse tomorrow morning."
Stone looked up Drakes address in the phone book.
"My name is Bacchetti," Stone said to the receptionist.
"Oh, yes, Mr. Bacchetti," she replied. "Will you wait in examination room B, down the hall? And undress down to your shorts."
Stone found the room, which contained an examination table, a sink, and a cabinet for supplies. He did not undress; he sat down in the only chair and waited. A couple of minutes later, Dr. Lansing Drake entered the room, preoccupied with a clipboard in his hand.
"Mr. Bacchetti," he said, not looking up. "Just a moment, please." He went to the sink, washed his hands, then turned around. "Now, what seems to be…" His jaw dropped.
"I'm Stone Barrington, Dr. Drake; we met recendy at Lou Regenstein's."
"I don't understand," Drake said nervously, looking toward the exit.
Stone got up and leaned on the door. "I won't keep you long, Doctor. My name will be familiar to you, because a while back, you submitted a sample of my blood, along with one from Vance Calder, to a company called Hemolab, for a paternity test."
"I don't recall," the doctor replied.
"Oh, I think you do," Stone said.
"Vance Calder was my patient," Drake said. "I have to respect his confidence."
"Vance is dead, Doctor, and now you have to deal with me. You can do it here, quietly, or you can do it in court. What's it going to be?"
Drake sagged against the examination table. "If Arrington should learn of this conversation…"
"I don't think that will be necessary. What I want to know, quite simply, is if the tests were run again by another laboratory, would the results be the same?"