"Thank you; I'll be in my suite all evening. Good-bye."

Stone hung up and sat on the bed, rattled by what Eduardo had said. He looked at the bedside clock: nearly eight; he was due at Marc Blumberg's office at nine to prepare for the hearing the following day. He shaved and dressed, then he called Dino.

"How you doing, pal?" Dino asked.

"I've been better."

"What do you need?" Dino could always read him.

"I'd appreciate it if you'd do something for me."

"Name it."

"Wait until midafternoon, then call the office of a Dr. Lansing Drake, in Beverly Hills. Tell him Arrington recommended him, that you're having abdominal pains, and that you'd like to see him late this afternoon. Then call me at Marc Blumberg's office and tell me what time he'll see you."

"You want me to go and fake it with this doctor?"

"No, no; I just want you to make the appointment, so that if he calls back to confirm who you are, he won't get me on the phone instead."

"Okay, I can do that. Dinner tonight?"

"Sure, if I don't have too much homework to do."

"Talk to you this afternoon, then."

"Bye." Stone was about to leave when the phone buzzed again. "Yes, Louise?"

"Brandy Garcia is on one."

Stone picked up the phone. "Yes, Brandy?"

"Stone, what's going on with Felipe Cordova? He called me last night, and he was upset."

"I subpoenaed him to testify at a hearing, that's all. He's at no risk by doing that."

"Yeah, but yesterday afternoon, he got another subpoena for the same time and place, this one from the D.A. And they searched his house, too. He didn't know what they were looking for."

Stone thought about that for a moment. "Somebody's got his wires crossed, that's all. There's nothing for him to worry about."

"He doesn't like this, Stone. I think he might bolt."

"Brandy, there's a thousand bucks in it for you if you can see that he shows up for that hearing."

"What am I going to tell him?"

"Tell him nobody's going to put him in jail; tell him anything you like, just have him there. Lead him by the hand."

"Okay, I'll do it for the grand. What are you going to give him?"

"I've already told him that I can't pay him to testify."

"I could give him a couple hundred, though?"

"Sorry, I didn't hear that; must be trouble on the line. Have him there, Brandy."

"You got it."

Stone sat in Marc Blumberg's office.