"Lou, I must apologize; I'm afraid I don't have a scorecard for the games that are played in this town. I'm sorry if I made your wife and your guests uncomfortable."

"It's I who should apologize," Lou said. "Livia can be hard to take."

"I'll see you soon," Stone said. They shook hands, and he and Charlene left the house.

Stone put the top down. "I need some air," he said, turning down the street. "I hope it won't disturb your hair."

"Don't worry about it," Charlene replied. "Well, that was quite an evening. What were you and Livia talking about, dare I ask?"

"You, mostly," Stone said.

"Oh. I may as well tell you. For a short time Livia and I shared a lover."

"Not Lou, I hope."

"No, someone much younger. Shortly after I came into the picture, the man stopped seeing Livia. Livia has been livid ever since."

"This is my fault; I should have told you where we were having dinner."

"Listen, Sugar, don't worry about it; I didn't have half as bad a time as you."

"What were you and Eduardo talking about?"

"The movie business, mostly."

"He seemed fascinated."

"I'm sure he was. He spoke well of you, too."

"Did he?"

"He said you were a gentleman."

"And that was just before I caused a scene by walking out of an elegant dinner party."

"I'm sure his opinion of you hasn't changed."

"You know, until this week, I had never in my life walked out of any dinner party, and now, in the space of three days, I've walked out of two."

"Are you upset?"


sp; "Not really; I must be getting used to it."

"I guess folks out here aren't working with quite the same social graces as their counterparts in New York."

Stone reached Sunset and turned toward the studio. "How'd you happen to come out here?"

"You want the fan magazine version, or the truth?"

"The truth will do nicely."

"Hang a left here," she said. "There's a nice little restaurant down the street, and we haven't had dinner."

Stone followed directions. "No, we haven't."

The restaurant was not all that small, but it was very elegant, and the headwaiter, spotting Charlene, had them at a special table in seconds. They ordered drinks and dinner.