"No, it's not."

"What's the problem?"

"The problem is, there is a very nice color photograph of you and Arrington in each other's arms, on the cover of theNational Inquisitor. She's wearing a very tiny bikini."

"Oh, God," Stone groaned.

"Did the two of you spend the night together?"

"No, we didn't. I had to go into L.A., and while I was gone, Arrington spotted the photographer on the beach. Her butler came and drove her to the Bel-Air house. I met them there, we had dinner, then I moved out of the guest house and out here."

"Did the media outside the gates figure out that Arrington left?"

"No, I don't think so; she left in the trunk of the car."

"Did any media see you return to the house last night?"

"There was a TV truck there, but they paid little attention to me."

"So they think she's still there, and that you spent the night together."

"I suppose they could draw that conclusion."

"All right, I'm going to have to hold a press conference and try to contain this."

"I suppose that's the right thing to do."

"The upside is, you were fully clothed and were seen to leave after kissing her, while she remained on the deck. The photograph is a little ambiguous, too; I can claim that you were simply consoling her. The Inquisitor hasn't figured out who you are, yet; I'll describe you as a family friend who drove her home from the clinic."

"All right."

"They're going to put all this together sooner or later, probably sooner, so be prepared for some attention. Tell me, does Vance's bungalow at Centurion have a bedroom?"

"Yes, it does."

"I want you to move out of the Malibu house and into the bungalow this morning."

"All right. I'm very sorry about this, Marc. It was all very innocent."

"Don't worry about it; damage control is part of what I do. I'd just like there to be as little damage as possible to have to control."

"I understand."

"Now, listen: I don't want you to leave by the Colony gate."

"I'm afraid that's the only way out, Marc."

"Here's what you do. Pack your bags into the car and leave it in front of the house, with the key in the ignition. Then walk south along the beach about a mile, and you'll come to a restaurant. Walk through the building and be in the parking lot at, say, eleven o'clock. One of my people will pick up the car at the house and drive it to the restaurant."

"All right."

"Now, for God's sake, don't wear a business suit for your walk down the beach. Blend in."

"Will do."

"What kind of car is it?"

"A black Mercedes SL600 convertible."