"As extra security?"

"As houseguests. She says she'd love to see you both. She's been stuck alone in the house for too long, and cabin fever is setting in. There's a wonderful guest house, and some acreage; Mary Ana would love it."

"Hang on," Dino said, and put Stone on hold.

Stone tapped his fingers, waiting. He was beginning to feel a little cabin feverish, himself, even if he wasn't confined to quarters, and he missed his dinners with Dino at Elaine's.

"I'm back," Dino said. "Mary Ann's on board; we'll be out there tomorrow afternoon."

"That's great," Stone said. "I'll arrange for Arrington's butler to meet you at the airport, and we'll all have dinner together. The butlers name is Manolo; call Arrington's and leave your flight time with either him or her."

"Will do."

"Tell Mary Ann not to bring a lot of clothes; she can buy everything she needs on Rodeo Drive."

"Yeah, sure. If you mention that, I'll shoot you."

"Speaking of shooting, bring something, and will you stop by my house and bring me the Walther from my safe? Joan will open it for you; give her a call. And that little piece you loaned me is on my bedside table."

"Okay, see you tomorrow." Dino hung up.

Stone called Arrington and told her the news.

"I'll have Isabel plan something special for dinner," she said.

"Sounds great. Dino will let you know their flight time."

"Why don't you and I have dinner tonight?"

"Behave yourself."

"Oh, all right; just be here at seven tomorrow evening."

"I wouldn't miss it." Stone said good-bye and hung up. Almost immediately, the phone buzzed.


"Charlene Joiner on line one."

He punched the button. "Hello, Charlene, how are you?"

"Terrible," she replied. "I'm very upset about Vanessa."

"It was a very bad thing."

"Did you know her, Stone?"

"I met her at Marc Blumberg's Palm Springs place a couple of days ago."

"You were right about the police; they're on their way over here now. Maybe you and I should talk before I meet them."

"No, you don't need a lawyer; just answer their questions truthfully. If we met first, it might make them think I'm involving myself in their case even more than I'm already involved."

"How are you already involved?"

"I had dinner at Vanessa's house last night; apparendy, I was the last person to see her alive."

"Lucky Vanessa! At least she went with a smile on her face."