Page 28 of Love in an Elevator

Kris had no idea how long it had taken, but when she opened her eyes again Nick was wiping her arm with paper towels. “All done,” he said, holding up the mirror again. “What do you think?”

“I think it’s amazing,” Kris said with a tear in her eye. She looked at Izzy and smiled.

“It’s awesome sauce, cutie pie,” Izzy said, clapping her hands and bounding up and down like a little kid. Nick put a bandage over the fresh ink and recited the instructions on how to care for it. He held out a big hand to help her out of the chair and led them

back to the front of the shop.

* * *

“What now?” Izzy asked as they stepped out into the brisk, cold night air and pulled their coats tight around them. Although Kris felt a little nauseous and lightheaded after getting the tattoo, she knew she didn’t want their night on the town to end so soon. She squeezed Izzy’s hand and said, “I don’t know, but I don’t want to go back to the dorm just yet. Let’s do something fun. Something that doesn’t involve needles and giant, scary men.”

“I have an idea!” Izzy giggled and tugged her hand, leading her down the street. Kris willingly followed. She had never felt so alive before. She’d never done something so spur of the moment and wild. It was invigorating and addictive. She felt brave and capable of anything, so long as Izzy was at her side.

Izzy led her to a building six blocks away, further from the center of town. It was an old brick building with a flashing neon sign on the front that read Lola’s Lipstick Lounge.

“Lola’s Lipstick Lounge?” Kris said with a wry smile. “Have you ever been here?”

The look on Izzy’s face said yes, but she tried to look innocent as she shrugged and said, “I don’t really recall.”

Kris pondered the neon sign for a moment, then threw up her hands and said, “Okay! Let’s go check it out.”


“ID’s, ladies,” the massive bouncer standing just inside the door wiggled his fingers at them. “Eighteen and up.”

Kris and Izzy handed over their ID’s and tried not to giggle as the bouncer looked them up and down. Satisfied that they were of age, he returned their ID’s and stamped a large red X on the back of their right hands.

“Enjoy your night, ladies,” he said, ushering them in.

Izzy took Kris’ hand and pulled her into the club. Kris felt like she was entering another dimension. This was her first time at a nightclub and she was invigorated by everything she saw. Purple and blue lights strobed, programmed to follow the beat of the music. In fact, everything, including Kris’ heartbeat, seemed to follow the beat of the loud music.

She held on tight to Izzy’s hand and gazed toward the packed dance floor. She quickly realized that every single person on the floor was female. Some wore boy clothes and had short hair, others shared Izzy’s eccentric style, but the ones that really caught her eyes were the ones who just looked like normal college girls… girls that looked just like her.

Izzy pulled her towards the bar and ordered two Cokes, but Kris couldn’t peel her eyes away from the women on the dance floor gyrating to the heavy music. She watched in amazement as they danced and kissed and touched. A jolt of emotion cursed through her body and threatened to bring tears to her eyes.

She let out a deep breath as a weight was lifted off her shoulders. For the first time in her life she felt like she actually belonged somewhere. And she wanted to dance…

“Are you OK?” Izzy shouted over the music. “You’re not gonna puke are you?”

Kris knew that she must look dumbfounded. She shook her head and put her lips close to Izzy’s ear. “Is this a lesbian bar?”

“Sure is, cutie pie,” Izzy said, her lips quivering with a devilish smile. “Are you OK?”

Like a deer in the headlights, Kris looked back at Izzy with eyes wide. “Yeah, I just…” She cleared her throat, more than a little terrified of what she was about to say. She used her free hand to touch the spot where her brand new tattoo was beneath her jacket sleeve. The burning sensation gave her the courage to utter the words she had never said before. “I have to tell you something.”

“No you don’t,” Izzy said, cupping Kris’ chin in her hand. Her dark eyes softened, giving off a warmth that made Kris smile. “I knew you were gay the second we met, cutie pie. You haven’t been fooling anyone but yourself.”

“Is it that obvious?” Kris groaned softly.

Izzy shook her head. “Not to everyone.” Kris closed her eyes and sighed. She opened her eyes again when Izzy tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. She smiled at the kind, loving way Izzy stared at her.

Izzy said, “I don’t blame you for denying it. I can only imagine how hard coming out would have been for you, coming from Iowa, of all places. Shit, my parents are from Manhattan and they all but disowned me when I came out.”

“They don’t approve?” Kris asked, offering a sympathetic look.

“They just prefer I keep my private life private,” she said, a sad smile crossing her lips. “Which is why I never go home and they never visit.”

Kris took in a sad breath and raised her hand to Izzy’s freckled cheek. “They’re idiots, if you ask me.”