His dark eyes danced with the admiration Helen so often saw, and she wouldn't encourage him. "I grew up with two brothers who taught me more than most girls are allowed to know."

"And clearly King Menelaus appreciates your skill."

They were at the foot of the hill, and she decided they'd gone far enough. "He understands me." She reached for the pony's bridle to turn her toward the stable. "Come, Cloud Baby, we've gone far enough for today."

Paris walked beside her. "Perhaps I could ride with you in the morning."

"I prefer to ride alone accompanied only by my own thoughts. Besides, Menelaus has another hunt planned for the morrow."

"Will you come with us?"

Clearly Alexandros was not easily discouraged, but she preferred evading his company rather than revealing how little it was appreciated. "No, he means to go after wild boar, and insists it's too dangerous for me to join in the hunt. Did you say you'd brought a spear with you?"

"Yes, I did, so I'll be ready."

"You still need to take care," she warned him as they parted at the stable. Hermione turned to wave at him as they entered the palace courtyard, but Helen didn't reward him with any lingering attention.

* * *

Omalu combed Helen's hair with gentle strokes. "Your husband is home from his voyage, but you seem no happier than when he left."

"Let's talk about perfume. The queen of Troy sent a rose scent that's completely overwhelming."

"Perhaps you should dab a drop on your ankle rather than your wrist."

"Yes, that's what I'll do and perfume my sandals rather than the air all around me."

Omalu bent slightly to observe her mistress's expression. "Your visitor is very handsome. Do you like him?"

"I don't dislike him," Helen answered.

"You don't like or dislike anything," Omalu chided. "You're walking in the lost land of in between."

"I know where I am," Helen assured her. She reached for the ivory comb to finish her grooming herself. She bent over to run her fingers through her curls and shook them into place as she sat up.

Omalu removed the lid from the pyxis Queen Hecuba had sent, sniffed the rose perfume, and wrinkled her nose. "This is far too intense." She folded a bolero Helen had discarded and retuned it to a carved chest of clothing. She continued to straighten the chamber until she could no longer be still.

"Menelaus has always been very kind to me. He's a good man. Why won't you forgive him?"

Helen drew in a deep breath and released it in a soft sigh. "Some things can't be forgiven."

"Of course they can. Has it not occurred to you that one day you might need his compassion and forgiveness?"

Helen turned to look up at her long-time companion. "My life is so peaceful and well-ordered, how could I ever do anything to offend him?"

Omalu shrugged. "I don't even want to imagine, my lady, but no marriage has only sweetness."

"Which reminds me, you should have had a husband long before now. Do any of the men here appeal to you?"

The dark-haired young woman covered her giggles with both hands. "There are so many handsome men here, I can't make up my mind."

"I've always liked Oron. He has a way with horses and would surely be equally gentle with a woman."

Omalu went to the window, rested her arms on the sill, and looked out. "Our paths seldom cross, and I don't know him well enough to have an opinion."

"Shall I send you to the stable each morning to see that my mount is ready for my ride?"

"He already knows when you'll come."