Paris jumped from Zeus's altar to follow Hecuba's maidservant. He turned and called to Agelaus, "Come with me."

Agelaus had expected his head to be struck from his shoulders at any moment and hurried after Paris before King Priam thought to order it. The royal entourage re-entered the Scaean Gate, made their way through the lower city and through the gates of the citadel to the palace's main entrance. This was the second time he had been inside the palace, and it overwhelmed him as on the day of Paris's birth.

Paris was enthralled by the palace's lavish beauty. He'd grown up in a low-ceilinged thatched roofed cottage, like all the others in the village, and he'd only dreamed of how grand King Priam's palace must be. Glorious frescoes of lions chasing deer decorated the walls, stately columns supported the roof and the rafters and ceiling were painted in intricate patterns in red, blue and gold. The stone floors held incised designs he hated to step on with his badly worn sandals.

He waited for Agelaus to come even with him. "How can I be a prince rather than your son? Has nothing you've ever told me been true?"

"I saved your life," Agelaus whispered gruffly. "Be grateful."

Dazed by the madly improbable day, Paris shrugged helplessly. "What will Mother say when you come home without me?"

Agelaus stopped mid-step. "It will surely break her heart. Come home with me and tell her what we've found here yourself."

"Will King Priam allow me to go?" Paris asked.

"He must deeply regret ever giving you to me, and he'll do whatever you ask. At least I hope he will."

They'd reached the bathing room and servants quickly filled the terra cotta tub with hot water for Paris to bathe. A slave pulled off his tunic and tossed the worn garment into the glowing coals of the brazier used to heat water.

"That's all I have to wear!" Paris cried.

The slave bowed. "Our queen wishes to see you in new clothes, my lord."

Hoping they'd appear, Paris stepped into the tub. At home, they scrubbed themselves clean with a pot of hot water and a rag. He'd never seen a bathing tub and slowly settled in. He burst into a wide grin. "The warmth feels really good. You must find such a tub for Mother."

Agelaus nodded as though such a thing were possible. He sat upon a stool and waited while the slave shampooed his son's hair, but Paris insisted he could bathe himself and did. A second servant entered carrying a white tunic, kilt and several pairs of new leather sandals.

"One should be your size, my lord," the servant said as he laid the sandals beside the tub.

Paris raised himself from the tub and took the towel offered. If life in the palace held so many surprises every day, he would appear to know nothing of any use at all. He donned a more serious expression, wrapped the kilt around his hips and the first pair of sandals he tried were a perfect fit. He tied the laces rather than allow one of the servants to kneel and do so.

With his hair still dripping upon his shoulders, he felt ready to go. "Does Queen Hecuba wish to see me now?"

"Yes, my lord, come with me," the first servant replied.

Befuddled by continually being addressed as such, Paris gestured for Agelaus to follow. Even the corridors in the palace were beautifully frescoed in reds, blues and gold, with exciting scenes of horses and wild boar hunts, but he doubted he would ever come to think of it as home.

King Priam sat with his wife on gold and ivory thrones in the grand megaron. Each studied Paris closely as he approached and while Hecuba was the first to smile, Priam soon joined her. "He is clearly one of ours," he proclaimed. "We must have a feast to celebrate his return."

Paris was awestruck by their magnificent thrones and the grand murals behind them with two great griffins and the famed stallions of Troy prancing on either side. "I've long hoped to become one of your warriors," he blurted, and embarrassed his boldness might offend them, he took a backwards step.

Priam nodded thoughtfully. "So we might one day have met."

"I'd hoped so," Paris responded. "It's why I entered into your games."

Hecuba leaned forward, "You'd no idea you were our son?"

Agelaus answered for Paris. "No, my queen. I raised him as my own and taught him to herd cattle. We came to Troy to bring the bull wanted for the grand prize for the games."

Priam laughed. "You've won your own bull Paris, have Agelaus return him to his home. You'll remain here with us."

Paris straightened his shoulders. "I should return home long enough to tell my mother what I've discovered here."

"How thoughtful you are," Hecuba exclaimed. "We named you Alexandros. Do you like the name?"

"I've always been known as Paris, and I'd rather keep the name. It suits me, I think," he replied. "If it won't offend you," he added.

Charmed by the innocence of his expression, Hecuba agreed. "I lost my Alexandros so long ago, I'll accept that you've returned as Paris."