Page 91 of Where Dreams Begin

He wasn’t telling her anything she hadn’t agonized over herself, and her smile was faint. “Thank you, Dave.”

“You’re welcome. I’m just going over to check the scaffolding, and then I’ll stay out of your way. If you need another algebra lesson, Pam can find me.”

“Thanks, but I understand so much more than I did, I think I’ll be okay.”

Catherine found her beach chair and sat down to observe the day’s work on the mural. Rafael was painting in the features on another angel while the rest of the kids were still working on the angels’ flowing robes and wings. The whole mural was coming along nicely, and best of all, the kids were working together and getting along well.

The other Lost Angel volunteers were crossing the street more regularly now to gauge the mural’s progress, and Catherine enjoyed their friendly company, but whenever she was alone, she shifted uncomfortably in her chair.

Having had one horrible encounter with Ford Dolan, she didn’t want to see him ever again, but she doubted it would take him long to discover Violet was gone. Then he was sure to come to Lost Angel. She’d stood her ground when he’d warned her away from Violet, but he’d be in a terrific rage now.

At noon, when Luke came to walk her to Lost Angel for lunch, she knew no matter how delicious Mabel’s spaghetti was that day, she wouldn’t be able to eat a bite.

“How long do you think it will take for Ford to show up here looking for Violet?” she asked.

“I expect to see him this afternoon,” Luke replied, apparently not in the least bit concerned.

Catherine gripped his arm. “What are you going to do?”

“Nothing. I’ll just give him a blank stare and swear I’ve not seen Violet today. It’s the best way to protect her.”

“Fine, I’ll remember that if he confronts me in the parking lot again.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll come and get you at four o’clock and make certain you reach your car safely.”

They had just crossed the street and started down the sidewalk when Ford Dolan drove his truck up over the curb to block their way. He jumped down from the cab screaming obscenities, and Luke took a protective step in front of Catherine.

“What the fuck have you done with Violet?” Ford yelled at them, shaking loose his carefully styled pompadour. Part of his shirttail hung over his belt, and his pants were stained with grease. “That slut ought to be home. Where is she?”

“I’ve no idea,” Luke replied, “but I’m real pleased to learn she’s left you.”

Catherine turned in hopes Garcia and Salzman might be observing them, but their sedan was parked around the corner. She was tempted to run and get them, but she was unwilling to leave Luke alone with Ford. Most of the kids had crossed the street to go to lunch ahead of them, and the few stragglers still in Toby’s yard were all girls.

“You’re lying,” Ford swore, “you and the b

ook bitch hiding behind you. You know where Violet is, and if you know what’s good for you, you’ll tell me right now.”

Luke remained calm and shrugged off Ford’s threat. “I can’t tell you what I don’t know. Maybe Violet took a bus to San Diego, or San Francisco. My guess is that she’d want to be a long way from you.”

“That’s crazy. Violet loves me.” Ford spit in the street. “She’s my woman, you hear, and you tell her she better get herself home by tonight.”

“Do I look like your secretary? I’m not relaying your messages. Maybe Violet left you a note. Did you look for one?”

“No, but—” Ford stammered a moment and then fell into another long string of expletives, got back into his truck and, with screeching tires, careened away.

Catherine sagged against Luke. “What did Violet ever see in that oily slug?”

“I told you she was an abused child. Healthy relationships are completely foreign to her, and that made Ford irresistibly appealing.”

“But still—”

Luke hugged her. “Hush. Don’t try and get in her head, but you’ll be pleased to learn Violet took a whole bag of books with her. At the shelter, she’ll be able to read without anyone criticizing her taste.”

“It wasn’t her taste in reading material Ford objected to. He just didn’t want her to read period. Makes me rather proud to be the book bitch, though.”

“That’s the spirit. Now let’s have some spaghetti.”

“How can you think about food?”